Page 46 of Alpha Ruined
She bites her lip and turns her attention to her water, sipping slowly and averting his gaze.
“Tell me about your article,” he says, hoping to change the subject before she can reflect on what he said.
She’s never going to be alone again. He won’t let her be, but she doesn’t need the reality of that to hit her just yet.
“Really? You want to hear about that?” she sounds unconvinced.
He raises an eyebrow. “Why wouldn’t I? Especially if it’s the reason you wander into abandoned prisons alone.”
Which she willneverdo again.
“Because no one asks,” she admits shamefully. “I just assumed it was your way to get me to go to dinner with you.”
He scowls, furious at anyone who had the gall to make her feel inadequate. “No. I’m genuinely interested in your work, andyou.I find you fascinating.”
She shakes her head and huffs. “I don’t understand why, and I don’t believe you.” She scrunches her face in frustration, and he finds it adorable.
“That’s fine,” he quips. “I’m happy to take my time convincing you.”
Her eyes search his, and he hopes what she finds doesn’t terrify her.
Finally, she sighs. “Usually, I write about local events that happen in my town, and it’s not very exciting. For example, next week I’ll be interviewing the owners of a dog grooming salon to celebrate their grand opening. I just did a gardening contest, and while it was fun, it’s not…enough. I wantmore.”
“I love telling stories. I think there’s a story everywhere, as dumb as it sounds.” She laughs nervously, toying with theedge of the tablecloth. “Everyone has something to uncover. Other people’s lives fascinate me.”
Her eyes light up when she talks, and it makes his breath catch.
He doesn’t dare interrupt her, not when she’s finally opening up to him.
“One of my favorite feelings is when people realize I’m going to write an article about them. The look on their faces when they realize that someone cares enough to document their’s those moments that make me the happiest.”
He’s so fucking in love with her it’s ridiculous.
“What happened in Green Woods called to me,” she continues. “I can’t explain why, but the idea that a prisoner ran away with his social worker sounds like some twisted love story that I couldn’t ignore.”
“And you enjoy twisted love stories?”
“I mean, as long as they’re not happening to me, sure.” She shrugs.
Too late for that, he thinks.
“What makes you so sure that he didn’t just kill her? That’s what most people think,” he says.
It’s not whathenecessarily thinks, but he doesn’t tell her that.
“Because there’s so many unknown factors. They had so much time together, and that type of relationship is intimate, whether they wanted it to be or not. And…he’s an Alpha, and she’s an Omega. There had to have been something there.”
A twinge of hope stirs in his chest as she continues.
“Just because he was a murderer doesn’t mean that he wasn’t capable of love. Or maybe he isn’t. I don’t know. It’s just…I think there’s more to the story, you know? It’s possible I’m just being ridiculous,” she scoffs. “Who knows?”
“Maybe you’ve just been reading too many dark romancebooks,” he jokes, even though he doesn’t find any of what she said funny.
Just because he was a murderer doesn’t mean that he wasn’t capable of love.
Would she ever feel that way about him?