Page 52 of Alpha Ruined
He saw the walls form behind her eyes,feltthe ice that hardened her heart even after she found her release against him.
As if he could ever truly leave her after that.
The first time he scented her, he was fucked.
But now, after tasting her, seeing the light that filled her eyes as she drowned in pleasure, he’s tied to her.
But he reluctantly drives away from her cabin, knowing that he still has business to attend to.
“You’re notin for a good time, John,” he announces, circling the man tied to the chair. “Especially since I’ve had such a shitty night.”
John, the foul smelling Alpha, whimpers against his gag.
The old slaughterhouse is fitting for his demise, since he treated his own daughters like cattle.
Colelovesit when they recognize him. When they remember him from the courthouse, thinking they got away with their crimes just because they had connections with the judge.
The justice system failed because John’s bank account talked.
And now he’s here before Cole, bound and gagged after a quick twenty-minute drive.
“You didn’t even notice the tracker on your car,” Cole chuckles as John’s eyes widen. “I don’t get it. Shouldn’t you be more self-aware? Sure, you got off, but wouldn’t you think there would still be a target on your back? That people still pay attention?”
Whimpers, tears, and groans escape John.
“I’ve had a really bad fucking night,” Cole continues. “And you’re the only one I can talk about it to, unfortunately.”
He pulls the pistol out from his jacket and aims it at the putrid-smelling Alpha.
“It’s not even cocked,” Cole chides, as John’s cries echo off the poorly lit slaughterhouse walls. “For fuck’s sake, it’s not thatserious.”
He repeats the words he knows John told his daughters. Based on the transcripts in the court room, the words that stayed with him long after the judge let him off. Giving him a harsh punishment would tarnish the man’s reputation, when he’s been nothing but an outstanding citizen, apparently.
John recognizes the phrase, and fat tears fall down his wrinkled, sunken in face.
Then the gun cocks with aclick, and the older Alpha whines.
“See,nowit’s serious,” Cole murmurs. “Nowyou might die.”
Usually, Cole would laugh. He would delight in the adrenaline rush, knowing that he’s doing what others couldn’t do.
He can’t bring the dead back, but at least he can avenge them.
But all he can think about isBreana, and how John is just wasting his fucking time.
What made his Omega pull away so suddenly? What made her scent spike with sourness?
“I need some advice,” Cole admits. “Quickly, though.”
He kneels in front of the older man, keeping the gun trained on him. “Think really hard about this, John,” he whispers.
Bloodshot murky brown eyes meet his.
“Should I give her space?” he asks, pointing the barrel at his temple. “Do you think she needs time away from me so she can realize that we’re meant to be together? Does absence make the heart grow fonder and all that bullshit?”
John blinks rapidly and whimpers.
“Would it be better to just leave her alone, John? Do you think that’s the right thing to do? Hmm?”