Page 79 of Alpha Ruined
Cole makes a noise somewhere between a growl and a moan—a sound that Bree will forever commit to memory as it sends a jolt of pleasure straight to her cunt. His cum fills her mouth in spurts, and she gulps down as much as she can, swallowing obscenely loud.
He tastes…good.
It shouldn’t surprise her—nothing about Cole should surprise her anymore. But drinking his cum, swallowingeverything he gives her, creates a buzzing in her head that she never wants to stop.
Even as her tongue cleans the base of his cock, licking around his knot, she’s still moaning around him. His fingers tremble as they run through her hair and caress her cheek, gently pulling her face away from him.
“Sweetheart,” he breathes. “I…”
She grins up at him, licking the last of his cum from her lips.
“I don’t know if I have a soul anymore,” he says cryptically. “But I’m pretty sure you sucked whatever was left of it out of me.”
She chuckles weakly, wincing as she shifts on her knees.
“Fuck,” he murmurs, adjusting himself and zipping up his pants. He scoops her off the floor, carrying her bridal style up the basement stairs. “We’re getting out of here. Your scent is perfuming up the entire cabin.”
“You’re still mad at me,” she observes, nuzzling in his hold.
“Even after I sucked the soul out of you?”
“A clever,incredibledistraction, but it doesn’t change the fact that you didn’t listen to me and put yourself in danger.”
“Maybe if you were here, I wouldn’tbein danger,” she mutters.
He unlocks her car door and deposits her gently in the passenger seat.
“Oh, so youdidmiss me,” he says. “Rest assured, work is done for a while.Mostly.You have me all to yourself. Now buckle up.”
He shuts the passenger door, and she starts to nod off before they reach her cabin.
She doesn’t resistwhen he leads her up the stairs and runs a shower for her. Her body is achy and sweaty, and she spends a good hour in the bathroom, allowing the steam to billow as she scrubs every inch of her body.
She wants to come, but she wants to sleep more.
Arousal, fatigue, and brain fog can only mean one thing—her Heat is coming sooner than she thought.
She hasdaysbefore she’s a needy mess.
Which means she’ll be in Heat during her time at Green Woods, before her interview with Doctor Porter.
The timing is horrible, and tears of frustration fill her eyes under the hot stream.
When she emerges from the shower, wrapped in her fluffy robe, her bed is a welcoming pile of blankets and extra pillows from the closet.
Cole sits on the edge of it, his face pulled into a scowl and lost in thought with his hands resting on his knees, until he looks up at Bree. His eyes soften when she meets his gaze.
“What were you thinking about?” she asks softly. “You looked far away for a moment.”
But his familiar smirk returns, and all traces of his past mood disappear. “The best way to punish you for being obstinate,” he says. “And having no care for your own well-being.”
She motions to the made bed. “Are you going to make me comfortable to death?”
“Something like that. Or just present you with a nest so tempting you never leave it.”
She blushes. She never thought anyone would build her a nest, yet Cole is here, providing her with everything she thought she would never have.