Page 91 of Alpha Ruined
“Yes, like that,Alpha,” she moans while he pulls at her hair, wrenching her head back.
“Fuck, that’s gorgeous,” he hisses, his cockhead brushing against a sensitive spot. “That pretty little hole swallowing my knot.Fuck.”
In this position, there’s nothing Bree can do but let herself be fucked by him. Cole works his cock in and out of her, using her pussy until she can’t hold off her release anymore.
When she comes, it’s loud and so violent her ears ring andshe can’t hold herself up anymore. He follows just behind her, his knot inflating in her from behind.
It continues for hours.
She falls asleep, then wakes up needing him. He doesn’t make the same mistake of leaving the room while she’s asleep—he’s always there when she opens her eyes.
When her arousal isn’t as painful and she’s climaxed on him enough times, he runs a bath for her. He washes her thoroughly, his touch gentle as he looks at her with reverence.
She’s too tired to do much else besides be fucked, so he takes care of every other need. He feeds her from fruit and cheese platters and keeps her water bottle full. He changes the bedding, keeping the blankets warm and cozy whenever he’s not in them.
He dotes on her. He worships her.
And she keeps her arms exposed, never bothering to put back on her sweater.
She’s safe with him.
By the third day, she sits up in her nest, a frown on her face.
Cole’s at her side instantly, taking her hand. He’s grown dark stubble in the past few days, and it just makes him more handsome.
He was already gorgeous. But seeing him like this, with tousled hair and a five o’clock shadow, gives him a rugged, wild look.
His icy eyes regard her. “What is it?” he murmurs, his voice groggy from sleep. He’s dressed in a grey sweatshirt and black cotton pants which emphasize the outline of his body perfectly.
“Does it always feel like this?” she whispers, intertwiningtheir fingers. Her body isn’t as flushed, and her arousal isn’t as all-consuming as it was for the last two days.
Her Heat is nearing its end.
He kisses her hand and hums. “Like what?”
She swallows. “Like I’m right where I’m meant to be. Do you think that’s just a side effect of this?”
He grins and his eyes brighten. “No, sweetheart, I don’t. What you just described is a mating bond.”
Her face burns. “But we haven’t mated.”
“Believe me, I’m well aware.” His eyes dart to her neck where her mating gland itches for attention. “But that incessant need to be around each other? It’s not normal, no. That intense pull, the connection we both have…it’s not just because of hormones.”
She swallows. He mentioned the pull when they first kissed, and she tried to dismiss it.
It was just attraction then, she told herself. Nothing more. She was lonely, and he was there to make the loneliness go away for a while.
But the intensity of her feelings for him frightens her.
“It’s only a matter of time,” he murmurs sleepily, pulling her closer to him. He settles back down on the bed, wrapping an arm around her waist to keep her firmly in place.
“A matter of time before what?” she whispers.
But he falls asleep before he can answer her.