Page 99 of Alpha Ruined
“What is he talking about, Cole?” Bree whispers, cradling the kitten. “What is going on?”
“I knew it was you the moment you came here,” Eugene continues. “It had to have been. I knew I was your target; I fucking knew it!”
“Cole?” Bree whispers, backing away from both men. The back of her knees hit the couch, and she falls against the cushion, trembling as she holds the kitten.
Cole crouches in front of Eugene, flashing a terrible grin. “So, what if I was behind all of it?” he purrs, keeping the barrel pointed at Eugene. “Don’t you think someone should be here to avenge poor Helene? Did you really think you would get away with it?”
Bree stops breathing.
Cole’s not…it can’t be…
She can only watch in horror as Cole continues. “You killed her, Eugene. The whole town knows it. Why should you get to live when she’s no longer with us?”
She doesn’t recognize the malice in his voice.
He’s never used that tone with her, and she’s terrified.
“You stupid son of a bitch,” Eugene cries, spittle falling from his mouth. “You piece of shit, just do it already?—”
“Not until you apologize to mywife.”
“Cole,please,” she begs. “Stop. We can call the police, it’s fine. Please,please…”
“Breana,” he says calmly, keeping his eyes on Eugene. “Do you know what this man has done?”
“I do! And killing him won’t make it any better. I justwant this all to be over. I want him arrested. I want him out of here,please.”
She meets Cole’s icy eyes, pleading with her expression. His expression softens, and he nods.
“My wife just saved your life. Apologize to her,” he barks at Eugene.
“I’m not your wife,” she whispers as Eugene mumbles an apology.
The kitten meows.
“Apologize to our kitten, too,” Cole adds.
Eugene scoffs. “I’d sooner take that ugly thing into the woods and shoot it.”
Bree lets out a gasp, her face twisted in horror at Eugene’s words.
Cole raises an eyebrow. “That wasn’t a very good apology,” he says coldly. “Breana, go into the bedroom, shut the door, and cover your ears.”
She remains frozen, staring at Cole, slack jawed.
“Omega.Go upstairs.”
There’s no mistaking his use of Alpha Influence. It’s impossible to disobey him. As much as she doesn’t want to, her inner Omega follows his commands with ease. Sweet orange kitten still in her hold, she climbs the stairs to the bedroom, bundles the kitten into the blankets, and covers her ears.
The shot rings out a minute later.
His Omega is terrified.