Page 27 of Knot a Good Idea
“Did you tell her about the wedding?” Liam asks. “How much did you explain to her?”
The wedding.
The stupid ceremony none of us want to go to, yet it would be considered an insult if we didn’t.
The drama was years ago. All of that is behind us.
But that doesn’t mean wewantto go.
“I didn’t go into detail,” Donovan says. “I just told her that there were a few events we needed her for. I took her to dinner and explained it.”
Irrational jealousy races through me.
Dinner. He had dinner withApril, and Liam and I weren’t there.
A low growl sounds in my throat, and Donovan raises an eyebrow.
“Nothing happened,” he says. “It was a business dinner. You’re acting like a lunatic, Hunter. Chill the fuck out.”
“I amalwayschill.”
Liam coughs, and I shoot him a look.
“She’s coming over in a few days. Until then, get your shit together,” Donovan snaps.
“My shit isalwaystogether.”
Liam snickers.
“You know what? Fuck you too,” I snap at him.
Donovan sighs. “Look. I’ll shower, get her scent off me, then we’ll discuss more,” he mutters.
Liam nods. “That’s a good idea,” he says patiently. “I think what Hunter is trying to say is that he’s excited.”
I scoff.
Sure, I’m excited.
But it’s much more than that.
The sweetness emanating off Donovan is nothing I’veeversensed before.
Even when we had an Omega years ago, I didn’t react like this.
April might as well be a perfect scent match, because my mind is screamingmate.
I’m not just excited, I’mobsessed.
“What the fuck,”Skylar mutters. “What the actualfuck?Is this really happening?”
“Yup. It’s happening.” I sit on Skylar’s couch while her Alphas hang out in her kitchen, munching on macarons.
She puts a special ingredient in there just for them and I shiver in disgust, trying not to think about it.