Page 32 of Knot a Good Idea
But there is no other option but to calm down. No matter how much I panic, I can’t magically exit the helicopter unless I want to plummet thousands of feet down.
So, I steady my breathing, ground myself using Donovan’s scent, and do my best to stay calm.
“Tell me about the first time you flew,” I say. “I would love to hear it.”
Anything to distract me from the pounding in my chest.
Donovan shoots me a look, his eyes flickering with concern, but he nods. “It was something I always wanted to do as a kid. I loved being in the air—my happiest times were when I was ona plane to visit my mother. I knew once the plane took off that I was close to being with her.”
I pause, surprised at his words. I didn’t realize he could be so sentimental, and it’s touching.
“That’s sweet,” I say honestly.
“And then, once I was an adult and the company took off, I started traveling more. I still loved the rush of being in the air. It makes me feel peaceful, like I’m soaring above all the bullshit in my life.”
I smile. “I would love to soar above all the bullshit inmylife.”
“I decided I wanted to learn to fly. I got my pilot's license, and the first time I was in the air by myself, I knew I had made the right choice. Hunter hates the helicopter, though.”
“My packmate. He’s afraid of heights.”
I forgot I was meeting other Alphas tonight.
The anxiety from before creeps back in, and I do my best to hide it.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Donovan asks again, his voice staticky through the headset.
“Maybe I’m afraid of heights, too,” I say jokingly.
It has nothing to do with being in a confined space with him.
Nothing at all.
“We’re almost there,” he says. “Can you hold on just a few minutes more?”
There’s no other option but to hold on, but I appreciate the sweet sentiment behind his words.
Watching Donovan fly, I see a youthful, peaceful side I didn’t know he possessed.
Gone is the arrogant billionaire.
I’m just watching a person genuinely enjoy life, and it’s enough to keep me calm until we reach his home.
We slowly descend into Stone County, and my breath catches.
There are only a few residences sprinkled along the hills, and only one with a helipad next to the sprawling driveway with a giantAetched into the ground.
“This is insane,” I mutter as I stare down at the mansion. Donovan chuckles while we descend, and he lands us safely on the helipad.
After the propellers have stopped and the engine is off, Donovan motions for me to take off my headset. He exits his side of the copter and meets me at mine, holding out his hand to help me down.
“Welcome to the packhouse,” he says. I reluctantly let go of his hand, ignoring the jolt of pleasure that races through my body at his touch.
That’s when I’m able to fully take in my surroundings.