Page 69 of Knot a Good Idea
“Oh, speaking of,” Tammy adds, keeping her eyes on April. “I forget to tell you I’ll be out tonight. I won’t be back until very late.”
I can practically hear April grind her teeth. “Oh. Really?”
I’m dying of laughter inside.
“Your mom seems supportive,”I tell April as we sit on the couch. I helped myself to a handful of colorful cookies, much to Tammy’s delight, and the plate sits on the coffee table in front of us.
April says they’re macarons. It’s fancy, usually too fucking fancy for me, but I’m sure Donovan the snob loves them.
Despite April’s mouthwatering scent, her lips are set in a thin line, and she keeps looking toward the front room, waiting for her mom to leave.
Anxiety. I recognize the signs immediately, and it reminds me of Liam.
I know how much he goes through, and I don’t like that it’s happening to April right now.
“She doesn’t trust you,” she admits, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.I want to do that.
I frown. “She loves me.”
April turns to me incredulously. “Okay, first of all,loveis a strong word. Don’t get ahead of yourself. Secondly, she’s smart. She thinks something’s up and she’s calling my bluff by encouraging you to stay and leaving us alone.”
I waggle my eyebrows at her and grin. “Shedoeslove me. And she gushed about you before you got home from work. Told me abunchof stuff about you.”
I soaked up every bit of information Tammy would give me about her daughter. Her taste in music, her favorite foods, her exes…
Her exes that I want to kill slowly and methodically.
But April doesn’t look impressed. “Did she now,” she deadpans.
Her annoyance delights me. “Yup. Told me you’re too hard on yourself, and you’re more talented than you give yourself credit for. You’re basically the perfect daughter.”
At that, she laughs bitterly. “Hardly.”
“Close enough, at least.”
April stares at me for a moment, then angles her body slightly closer to mine on the couch. Her scent sweetens, and my cock twitches in anticipation.
I do my best to ignore it.
“Why me?” she murmurs. “You know you guys could have anyone you want, right? Why did you agree to this?” she asks softly.
Ah. I was anticipating this question.
“Okay, first of all, notanyone,” I clarify. “Donovan is emotionally clueless, Liam is a nervous wreck, but I’ll admit, I’m the best,” I grin.
April rolls her eyes but her lip twitches in an almost-smile.
“Secondly,” I continue, “Donovan liked you immediately, and as much as he can be an ass, I trust his opinion. You’re entertaining as hell and smart as fuck, baby. Liam looks at you with heart eyes, you know that? He’s half in love with you already.”
She lets out an exhale and stares at her hands. Instinctively, I reach out and grab one, engulfing her palm with mine. She’s warm and soft, and at my touch, she visibly relaxes.
Score one for me.
“Donovan doesn’t like anyone,” I continue. “Our pack hasn’t been with anyone inten years.”
April’s eyes widen and her mouth falls open. “Seriously?”
I nod. “You’re special. Even if it’s not exactly real to you, I want you to reconsider.”