Page 98 of Knot a Good Idea
Just struggling to be normal was all I could hope for.
But with the way Liam looks at me, I wish all of this was real.
I wish this wasn’t just for show, and that we could truly be in a relationship.
And I wish I hadn’t met Kelly, who reminds me that I’ll never be normal or fit into their world.
This will hurt me in the end, I just know it.
But I’m desperate to hold on to anything that keeps me happy even for a moment.
So, I nod. “I would love to.”
His answering grin makes my heart sing.
My mom is standingin my doorway as I pack. Liam has already assured me that I’ll have everything I need there, but I still pack my toiletries, underwear, and Hunter’s jacket.
“What’s up?” I ask her as she watches me.
“I like Liam.” She says finally. “He’s in love with you.”
I almost choke.
“Mom,” I say slowly, turning to her. “He’s not.”
My mom doesn’t say something like that lightly, and her observation terrifies me.
But love…it’s impossible.
“He is,” she states, crossing her arms. “Why does that surprise you?”
“Well, for one thing,” I say, turning back to folding my sweatpants, “we’re just dating. People don’t fall in love that quickly.”
“Sure, they can. I did with your father.”
I freeze. She never brings him up.
“Why are you doing this?” I say finally, turning back to her. “What do you want me to say?”
She shrugs. “The truth.”
I look at her incredulously. “Mom! The truth is that I’m dating Liam, Hunter, and Donovan! What more do you need? What else do you expect me to tell you?”
“I don’t know, April. Is there anything else you should tell me?”
I put my face in my hands and groan. “No. If you don’t want me to go, just tell me instead of acting like everything is fine when you’re around them!”
“It’s not that I don’t want you to go. In fact, Iwantyou to go,” my mom snaps. “I want you to live your life, April. I want you to behappy.”
“Then stop looking at me like I’m committing a crime every second. Just…stop. I need you to trust me.”
In times like these, I wish my mom wasn’t as smart as she is. She’s far too perceptive, and lying to herhurts.
Lying to everyone hurts.
“I love you, April.”