Page 149 of EX
That’s when everything goes black.
Reality slips backin and I find myself tied to a chair. I have one fuck of a headache, that’s for sure.
My first and only concern right now is my Katie girl.
That’s because I figure this is Axel’s doing.
He stabbed Mutt. I showed up and killed two of his bodyguards and got him shot.
So he follows me to my Katie girl’s house and attacks me.
Meaning he knows where my Katie girl lives.
I’ve put her in danger.
I pull at my wrists and feel the rope isn’t all that tight. I can definitely get out of this with a little time and movement.
I look down and see that my ankles are free. Not tied to the chair.
Axel sucks at this…
I can literally just stand upright and start slamming the chair off a wall until it shatters.
Then I’m free and clear.
That’s a big red flag if you ask me.
This feels like a…
“Yeah, go for it, stand up and walk out the front door,” a voice says from behind me.
I do stand up, hunched forward, but I turn around to see who’s talking to me.
It’s not Axel’s voice, that’s for sure.
When I turn and look forward, I simply cannot believe my eyes.
It’s my Katie girl’s fiancé.
Sitting at the dining room table with a glass of whiskey in front of him.
His tie loosened, feet up on the table, staring at me.
There’s also a bloody hammer on the table.
The weapon used to knock me out.
“Well then,” I say.
Yeah, I’m not prepared at all for this.
I didn’t realize this guy had the balls to attack me.
“You’ve been fucking my fiancée,” he says.
“No,” I say. “You’ve been fucking my girl. She was mine first. Mine all along. You were just a placeholder with big dreams.”
That gets to him right away.