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Sitting up, business reports on his lap, head tilted to the side.
I don’t bother waking him.
I curl up in bed, eyes wide, constantly swallowing, licking my lips, wanting to taste more of Corbin’s cum.
The clock on the nightstand glows as Monday turns into Tuesday.
I close my eyes. My toes curl tight.
I can’t wait to see Corbin again.
Chapter 12
There’sa note for the cleaning company with an apology and a crisp one hundred dollar bill. That’ll keep everyone happy and get all of my Katie girl’s vomit washed off the floor.
I don’t see the cleaning people because I’m working in the garage.
Business is steady. The reputation my uncle built has stood the test of time.
I make Mutt take all the faded smut posters off the office walls.
Maybe I’ll have the cleaning company take care of the office next.
I take a break around noon and send Mutt to get us some pizza.
He needs the break from watching porn on his phone.
Once I’m alone in the garage, I have two missions.
First, I text my Katie girl.
How’s your throat feeling today?
I smirk.
I told her what was going to happen and I kept to my word. She expects that from me. And I know her throat is probably achy and tender. She probably has a little anxiety wondering if something is really wrong, but she’ll be fine. It was just a cock in her throat that poked around, right?
My Katie girl replies.
Sore. But I’m smiling about it.
“Good girl,” I whisper.
I can’t wait for more of her.
Soon enough.
But first.
I walk to the minivan waiting inside the garage at the last bay. I open the side door and lift the seats. The perfectly placed and bagged up heroin stares back at me. There’s so much fucking money sitting there. I’m talking about money I could buy my Katie girl her dream house and everything she could ever want and we’d be set for the rest of our lives.
Of course, the heroin needs to turn into money. That requires distribution and sales. A whole gigantic fucking mess.
I know what needs to happen next.
I feel bad for Mutt.