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I walk into the garage,grab Mutt by the throat and pin him against the nearest wall. I then lift him up off his feet.
“This place is not a fucking back alley for heroin deals,” I growl at him. “We will move it. We will separate it. We will take our cut of the money as need be. But we are not going to be low-level dealers who end up spending our entire lives in jail!”
Mutt can’t talk but tries.
His face is bright red.
I wait for the shades of purple to show up before I release my hold on him.
He coughs and gags, then collapses to the floor, weeping.
“I see some fucking low-life shit like that again and I will fucking kill you, Mutt. This place is mine. The business. The money. The heroin. You’re nothing now. Do you understand me?”
I kick him in the ribs and he cries out.
I grab for the garage door and shut that bay just in case a customer shows up.
I don’t need them to find my moronic cousin on the floor, crying his eyes out like a little bitch because he got caught trying to deal heroin from the fucking parking lot of my business.
On top of that…
I look up and curl my lip.
Oh, my Katie girl… you fucking sexy snoop.
I moveonto the bed and across.
She’s seated on the edge of the other side, her back toward me.
She watched me. I felt her watching me.
I wonder how truthful my Katie girl will be with me.
I know she saw what just happened.
When I touch her right bare shoulder, her skin breaks out with goosebumps. I lower my mouth down and kiss her shoulder. Then up to her neck. I bite at her ear and growl.
She needs to get dressed and leave. She needs to function asnormalfor a little bit.
I press my fingers against the left side of her face, turning her head to the right so I can have her mouth.
Her breath tastes like sleep and coffee.
We’re not three seconds into the kiss when she has the nerve to pull away from me.
“I saw you from the window,” she says. “I stood and watched. I thought you were running the garage, Corbin. I thought you were…”
I grab her hair and pull her back across the bed.
She screams and drops her coffee mug onto the bed. The coffee pools and stains instantly. I don’t give a fuck.
The blanket pulls from her body and I look at her perfect tits and her stomach and her cunt. Her legs kick and thrash as she screams that she’s sorry.
I drag her off the bed and throw her down to the floor.
“Hands and knees, Katie,” I yell.
She does as she told.