Page 56 of Scars of the Sun
Another thing we did talk about a little bit was how she’d given herself these. Based on how she spoke about her life before moving in with her brother, I wasn’t exactly surprised.
Now wasn’t the time to get truly sappy and tell her that I was thanking every deity and the universe that it hadn’t worked. That I was at the point of needing her. So, I let my tongue speak for itself and adored our mingled scents and the taste of her skin.
Eventually, her expression settled, and I switched to the other arm. Let her know that I loved them both because they showed how much she’d overcome.
I ended one swipe with a light flicker, getting what I was looking for in the form of a giggle. The little noise startled her, so I did it again. And again.
“Stop, that tickles,” her belly shook, and I did it once more before settling her hands at my waist. Like the brat she was, she moved to grab at my ass instead, squeezing in the same way I liked to do to her.
“As much as I would love another round, we should probably get up so we can eat soon.”
“What is it with you and making sure I eat,” she said more to herself, watching as she pet up my sides and ribs. I was used to the sight of my tattoos by now, so that I barely noticed them, but she seemed to be cataloguing every corner, every curve of my art on my skin.
I shrugged. “Gotta take care of you,” I answered honestly. It wasn’t like I could even imagine doing anything different. She didn’t have an answer for that one, but she also didn’t argue with me. For my princess, that counted as a win. “Come on, let’s throw some clothes on.” I hopped out of the bed and started searching the floor for our clothes. Her hoodie was near the door to the bathroom, my shirt had been almost kicked under the bed.
After doing a sweep of the floor, I groaned.
“What?” She asked while pulling her sweatshirt over her head.
“Half our shit is still in the woods.” Apparently she hadn’t realized it either because her groan echoed mine. “Be right back,” I mumbled and marched to the sliding glass door. Not like there were any neighbors to look out for. I ran across Ty’s yard, butt ass naked, and went into the trees. A wolf whistle rang across the grass, my ears telling me it was Jess who saw me sprinting toward the woods.
I let my nose guide me to our clothes, and I ran back to the guest room under the bright sun.
When I handed Ramona her shorts and panties, she took them with nose wrinkled in disgust before shaking them out. She opted not to put on the underwear and stepped into the skimpydenim. I did the same with my jeans and tucked myself in, sans boxers, before zipping and buttoning up.
With quick splashes of water on our faces and taking full advantage of the extra toothbrushes under the sink, we emerged hand in hand.
I guided Ramona to the pool where everyone was again congregated. Jess was lounging beside the deep end in a one-piece swimsuit while Tyler looked only slightly pissed beside her and under a parasol. Brody was bobbing along in the shallower end of the pool with Alex who must’ve spent the night, too.
I glanced down at Ramona as we padded to a lounge chair on the other side of Tyler. They didn’t stop their conversation, but every eye followed us as I sat and pulled Ramona between my legs. We settled back into the wooden seat, and I didn’t have to look at her face to know she was shooting me a dirty look. I kissed her cheek.
“You done with your all night fuck fest? My house isn’t a rent-by-the-hour motel, you know.” Tyler groused without any venom. He just took one look at us and rolled his eyes like we were dumb kids. Which, maybe we were to him. I’d never asked how old he was. Certainly older than he looked, which was younger than my twenty-six.
“Nah? Then who did I give my money to?” I snarked.
There was a round of good-natured laughter, and Jess started filling us in on what we missed. Brody getting wasted, doing stupid flips and only belly-flopping a few times. Some of Jess’s friends already listening to the new song we finished and giving positive remarks.
“It does sound really good,” Alex piped up, and Ramona stiffened in my arms. He gave a nice but weak smile our way, probably all too aware why she was being cold towards him.
My glasses nudged against the side of her face, and I whispered low, “Be nice, baby.”
She whipped her head around, knocking into my glasses, which just made her scowl deepen. “Not possible.”
I pulled against her stomach even more, trailed my nose against the edge of her hairline. “Yes, it is. He didn’t do anything wrong, and I already told you. The only one I want is you. That’s the truth. Or do I need to fuck you in front of everyone to get it through your stubborn head?”
She sucked in a breath and hissed, “You wouldn’t.” Was that lust I smelled?
I grinned evilly into her skin and rocked us from side to side. “I would. Gotta teach you how to act right.”
“No, please don’t do that.” Tyler grumbled, the only one privy to our hushed conversation. The rest of them turned even more curious glances our way, though Alex was trying not to look too long.
I laughed and spoke loud enough for the rest of them to hear. “Y’all would be so lucky.” As much as public sex thrilled me, none of these shitheads deserved to see my princess naked. That was for us to share. If she asked me to though…
I grabbed her jaw and planted a deep kiss on her lips, and she didn’t resist even a little bit. More of Jess’s whistles coursed around us, and I smiled into Ramona while I continued to dance us in our seat. Was this happiness? How could I make sure that we woke up together every morning and went to bed beside each other every night?
“Food’s here!” Brody hollered and slapped his wet feet across the concrete poolside, opting to go around the house instead of through it. When he came back with arms weighed down by food bags and drink carriers, we all gave a round of applause. Besides Tyler, at least, who just took his extra large coffee and started loading it down with sugar packets. When I was twelve, freshly scooped up and training with my sisters, I once asked a vamp that worked for my father if they puked when they ate food.Apparently, vampires didn’t, but it all tasted like shit. Liquids and strong flavors were more palatable, and I wagered that Tyler excused himself out of eating by stating he wasn’t a breakfast person.
Ramona and I separated just enough to sit with our to-go platters in our laps, the iced coffee cups sat on the small table between us and Tyler.