Page 82 of Scars of the Sun
Río took my hips in both hands, his claws out and poking into my flesh how I loved, and I almost choked when he plungedin a long, deep stroke. “Fuck, Princess. You’re a fuckin’ dream.” His hips met my bare skin, and the fact that we were both fully clothed, too impatient to undress even though we were at home, made this even hotter.
With every slow retraction of his hips, I pushed back on him, wanting him tomove, but he was stronger than me and refused to let my urgency set the pace.
I mewled an embarrassing noise, impatient to have him ruin me, but Río kept on, going slow and ending each thrust with a deep, bone-rattling circle of his hips. “You know better than that, baby.”
Over my shoulder, with tears in the corners of my eyes, I glared up at him. “Fuck me. We’re—” I gasped as he snapped his hips again.
“You said it didn’t matter if we were late. You wanted my cock tearing you apart so bad that you smelled like sex the second you stepped down here. So, take what I give you.” The last sentence was more growl than words, and he increased how hard he took me, but never the pace.
My lower back arched, and the new angle nearly had my eyes crossing. Was I drooling? He was such an ass, but he knew both of our bodies like we’d been doing this for years. It couldn’t have been more than five minutes of him fucking into me, but the tormenting pressure of him inside my body caused another release that was thunderous with how long it’d built. I had to force my fingers to uncurl from the couch, or the fabric would’ve become shredded with how my muscles tightened.
“You feel so good baby,” my face heated, but Río’s loud groan in response was fuel that kept me babbling and moaning. “Fuck me so good, my mate,fuck.”
Río let loose a loud, scratchy growl and kept on for a few more pulses until he stilled, grinding his hips into mine while he came with a deep rumble that I felt all the way intothe floorboards. Our breaths synced as we settled from the aftershocks, and my mate draped himself along my back again, giving sweet kisses to the base of my neck. He pulled me tighter onto him, emphasizing his claim.
I fucking loved it.
“See? You should listen to me more often.”
“I should see howyoulike it being ordered around,” I spat weakly. The reality was, Río taking charge was exciting and always resulted in this exact outcome. He didn’t have to be a bastard about it, though.
“Oh, I already do,” he smiled into my shoulder and planted one more kiss before he straightened the both of us. With a bracing touch on my hip, Río pulled out, and I couldn’t hide the non-human hum of deep satisfaction at the sensation of his cum starting to drip down my thighs. Me from three months ago would think it was disgusting.
Me now seriously contemplated swiping my fingers through it and popping them in my mouth. Oh, god.
He walked back toward the bathroom, leaving me swaying in post-orgasm bliss until he steadied me once more and swiped a washcloth between my legs. Río bent on one knee, holding my panties out and guiding me to step into them. He pulled them up my legs, eyeing the brown skin all the way, and settled them back on my hips. His lips pressed into the curve of the hipbone before he smoothed my dress back down.
Río looked up at me, black eyes glittering like the night sky, and his smile wasn’t cocky. It was full and loving in a way that left no question of how he felt about me. I cupped his cheek, slipping my fingertips into his smooth hair. He kissed the inside of my wrist, eyes on me, before he finally stood.
“All right.Nowwe’re late.”
Mating my princess before we left the loft should’ve helped ease my anxiety for tonight, but, as I climbed out of my truck, my palms were fucking sweating. The restaurant Ramona and her sister-in-law chose resembled a house, and the large porch in the front had been converted to a seating area illuminated with small lamps on each table. I took a drawing inhale, scenting that the Leader and his mate were already here. Shit.
I rounded the front of the truck to open the door for Ramona, but she beat me to it, scowling as if daring me to say something about it. Normally, I would’ve, but any snark I usually had in abundance had retreated behind the wall of anxiety I fucking felt. This was bullshit. I had reduced Leaders to their knees with packs twice the size of his. I’d threatened rival crime family leaders with words and the razor tips of my claws without a second thought.
None of them were my new brother-in-law. Who, from what I could tell, already hated me.
I retrieved the bouquet of flowers I’d bought on my way home from work this afternoon, the pink counterpart to the red roses I’d bought Ramona. She’d let out a bemused chuckle when I presented them to her, but she promptly trimmed the stems and set them in a cup of water on the coffee table with a little smile.
Grabbing Ramona’s hand, largely for comfort, we walked toward the restaurant and wordlessly followed the scent of her family. My new family.
To put it lightly, I didn’t have the best experience with these sorts of things, so maybe that was contributing to my expectation for this to blow up in my face. Just as we rounded a corner, I saw our destination. Or my demise, depending on how you looked at it. Which, based on how her brother was staring at me, unamused and utterly unimpressed, I was thinking it was that second one.
Ramona squeezed my hand and went a step further by bringing the back of it to her lips for a quick kiss. When she let our hands fall back between us, I tightened mine in thanks as we came to a stop.
Both the witch and Leader stood, but she was the one to step around the table and bring my mate into a hug like she hadn’t seen her in months. It’d actually only been a day, but my princess hugged back and blushed as the witch marveled her outfit. Ramona had put her jacket on before we exited the car, but she was slowly unfurling, and I was honored—and more than a little emotional—to see it.
While they embraced, I stuck my hand out to the Leader who was dressed in a simple dark gray t-shirt and blue jeans. His curly white hair looked freshly cut, and he eyed my outstretched hand with a frown.
Feeling like a fucking idiot, I let it fall, but Ramona nudged me with her elbow and stretched up to whisper in my ear like they wouldn’t be able to hear. “O doesn’t like shaking hands,” and understanding dawned on me. She’d already told me that, too. When I’d low-key paced the apartment and demanded the basics of how to win her brother over.
So, he gave me a tight nod, but I immediately noticed the rosy blush that started on his cheeks. It was easier to see on his pale skin, but it was just like how my mate would blush for me.
Feeling a fraction more relaxed, I extended the paper-wrapped bouquet of roses and lilies to the witch. “For you,”I said, and the big smile she gave in response was almost infectious.
“Wow, these are beautiful! Thanks!”