Page 15 of Evan
“I just need to ease my aching feet out of these crocs. I just spent twelve hours on my feet and honey, when I tell you that your girlfriend here almost lost it as well as her salvation, believe me.” Kicking off the offending shoes, she wriggled her toes and peeked out the doorway to see if anyone was within earshot.
“Pastor William is on the road.”
“Good.” Marsha peered at her curiously. “Instead of going home and jumping into bed and jumping my darling husband, I am here to get the gossip. Evan Davenport. Totally rich and hot guy was here yesterday, and I missed all the excitement.”
There was a mournful look on her pleasantly attractive face. Her blonde hair was piled on top of her head in an untidy bun, with tendrils straggling down her cheeks. Golden brown eyes danced wickedly.
So, how was he?”
“Courteous and very detached.”
Marsha gave her a puzzled look. “I don’t know what that means.”
Laughing softly, Cassandra put away the files she had been using and touched something on her keyboard.
“It means he was aloof and hard as nails.” She shook her head. “I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Why not? Is it the truth?”
She nodded. “It’s just that I don’t want to appear judgmental.”
“It sounds to me like he is a stuck-up jerk.”
Lifting her hands, palms up, she grimaced and glanced out the doorway again. “That was not very Christian of me.”
“I showed him around and could not help myself. I started witnessing.”
“Oh no1” Marsha clapped a hand over her mouth, eyes dancing merrily.
“You are not helping.”
“It is your default setting honey. Any time you are nervous or feel threatened, you go right for the Bible verses.”
“I do not!”
“Last summer when we were at Bible camp and that totally attractive counselor came over and started checking you out. You asked him about his spiritual journey.”
“He wasn’t looking for a date,” Cassandra protested.
“He was so looking to ask you out and you blew it. The man turned tail and ran.”
“Asking him about his spiritual journey should not have sent him running. Besides, he turned out to be a phony.”
Marsha nodded in agreement. “Two months ago, Eric asked you out for ice cream and you…”
“I told him that I had Bible studies and would never dream of skipping it to go out for ice cream.”
“Now this hottie that is suddenly interested in our little church.”
“You are being dramatic.”
“Am I?” Rising, Marsha went towards the corner of the office to get a can of coke from the refrigerator. “I am sure he noticed you. I saw the pics and girl; I have to tell you the outfit was a sell out.”
“I wanted to look nice for the occasion.” She contemplated telling her friend the rest. “I invited him to services on Sunday.”
Marsha stopped in the middle of downing her coke to stare at her friend. “You work fast.”