Page 50 of Evan
“Thanks.” She whispered.
“You are more than welcome. You were that close to her?”
“It’s not that.”
Shifting slightly, he tilted her chin up and studied the tear drenched cheeks, the bright eyes and the spiky lashes. “Then what?”
She told him about the conversation with her pastor.
“It’s my fault.” He said grimly. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”
“No.” She closed her eyes briefly. “I have been meaning to say something to him for weeks now and kept putting it off.”
“Is he really stepping down? How is that going to impact the ministry?”
“Negatively.” She murmured sadly. She had been feeling miserable, her life spinning out of control, but with him here, itfelt right again. His strong arms were wrapped securely around her, and she felt as if she could handle anything.
It never dawned on her at that moment that she was coming to rely on him too much. “I tried calling him a few times, but his phone was off.”
“He needs time.”
“Yes.” Twisting her chin away, she placed her head on his broad chest and inhaled his scent. “You came.”
“Was there any doubt?” His voice was husky, his touch gentle.
“After what we spoke about not seeing each other…”
“You needed me, and I will always be here when you do.”
“What’s going to happen?”
“Shh.” Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed the top of her head. “I am here now, and this is exactly where I want to be. With you in my arms. The rest is insignificant. It is just here and now. Understand?”
She nodded, her fingers gripping his sweater.
“You make me feel as if everything is going to be okay.”
“It will be.” He whispered.
Chapter 13
His townhouse was lonelier than ever. Not even bothering to call for lights, he strode from the wide entryway, straight upstairs to his suite. Shrugging out of his jacket, he slung it carelessly on the comfortable sofa in front of the bed.
Taking off his clothes, he piled them on the same sofa and reached for the robe his housekeeper laid out for him. Standing in the middle of the vast room, he frowned in the direction of the empty fireplace before walking into his study.
He was restless and he knew why that was. He had stayed with her too long. But he had been reluctant to leave her.
She had fallen asleep in his arms, her face buried against his chest. The sudden drops of rain had forced him to carry her inside and into her bedroom. She stirred when he placed her against the pillows and pulled the colorful quilt over her.
Walking over to the cabinet, he poured a full glass of bourbon, a brooding expression on his face. He had stood there staring ather before lowering himself on the edge of the bed as he watched her sleeping.
Touching her had been a must. He had been unable to resist the urge. Her skin was soft and reminded him of satin. Her lashes long and dark, making crescents on her cheeks. Her lips- Biting off a groan, he went over to his desk and sat heavily. He had left right after that before the urge to slide in next to her became overwhelming.
He was fiercely protective of her, that much was obvious. He wanted to punish anyone who hurt her. She had cried in his arms and his first instinct was to make everything okay.
He was in love with her.
Laughing softly, he closed his eyes and leaned his head back. This was a first for him. They had never been intimate and yet, he felt more for her than he had ever felt for another woman. He had just met her, yet it was as if he had known her for years. She permeated his heart, his mind, and his soul.