Page 67 of Richard
Her cries rent the air, and he felt his own powerful climax starting. Seizing her face between his palms, he took her lips in a kiss that left them both weak. His knees could not sustain them both, so he had no choice but to slide down and take her with him, arms wrapped securely around her waist.
Collette leaned into him weakly, her face buried against his throat. To his horror, Richard felt himself hardening again.
Lifting her head, she stared at him as she felt him burgeoning inside her.
“I am sorry," he told her harshly. “I can’t stop–”He drove into her, and she felt the climax claiming her again. It did not take long for him to follow, his seed watering the mouth of her womb.
Taking a few minutes to recover, he lifted her up and finished washing her off, his face taut, his mouth tight. Leaving her to finish drying off, he went into the bedroom.
When she came out, he was not there. Her body was stillvibrating, her nipples still aching. Strangely, she did not feel any shame for what they did. It had been the most amazing thing she had ever experienced, and it certainly took her mind off the fact that she was not pregnant.
She was sitting up in bed when he came back with a laden tray.
“The housekeeper prepared roast beef. I prepared some sandwiches and some of that jasmine tea you seem to like.” He brought the tray over and placed it on her lap.
“Iced tea as well?”
“Hmm.” He was avoiding her eyes, and she realized that he was probably berating himself for making love to her just now.
He nodded.
“You hate unsweetened iced tea.”
“I am acquiring a taste for it.” He finally looked at her. “Did I hurt you?”
“No.” She bit into her sandwich and closed her eyes as the roast beef melted against her tongue. “So, you can stop beating up yourself. I wanted it as much as you did.”
Green eyes searched her face as if to find out the truth behind that statement.
“It should not have happened," he said gruffly.
“It did and I loved it.” Leaning forward, she touched his strong jaw. “And I would do it again.”
“Collette–”He groaned and moved his mouth into her palm. “What are you doing to me?”
“Loving you like I have never loved another,” she whispered.
After they finished the meal, he held her against him until they fell asleep.
“My divorce is final, and Lenny and I are going to be celebrating it by going to Greece.” Janice’s face was animated as she took a sip of her hot chocolate.
Collette had her own amazing news, but she was going to be sharing it with her husband first and foremost. It had been two months since the crushing blow of her not being pregnant, but things had changed. She had gone to the doctor for a checkup and was told she was in good health, and there was no reason why she could not conceive.
Janice had called her to have lunch, and they were now at the restaurant where Richard had first noticed her. The press still followed them around, especially since her husband and severalof his artists had won some coveted awards.
“Are you really in love with him?” she asked her sister quietly. She cared for Lenny and had her misgivings about her sister’s true feelings toward him. They were practically living together, and he was very generous where she was concerned.
Janice gave her a sharp look and shook her head. “You will never believe that I have changed, will you?” She asked resignedly.
“I have Collette. I am no longer that selfish bitch that brought you so much pain. I spent years trapped in a miserable marriage, and I figured that was my punishment for doing what I did to you.” She sighed. “I never really loved him, you know. I just wanted him because he belonged to you.”
“I know.”
Her sister stared at her sadly. “I am still trying to forgive myself. Lenny–”A soft smile flitted around her lips. “He is so supportive, and he has been such a source of strength to me. I am the onewho is supposed to be strong for him, but he is like a rock.