Page 109 of The Dollhouse
Chapter Six – Zoey
Sunday night rolled around, and I video chatted with Lake. I had to do it in my room, because when I did it downstairs, not only did Carter always try to eavesdrop on our conversations, but he also tried to get busy with me every. Single. Time.
Like, you’d think the guy would get over it since he already did it once, but nope. It became a game to Carter, I think, and that’s why I talked to Lake locked away in my bedroom. Plus, it was pretty late already. I was actually surprised Lake was awake right now—he’d worked a full day today, and he had early classes tomorrow.
I mean, so did I, but I didn’t care about going to them and getting good grades. Or even passing them. I was only going to classes to spy on my sister. Yes, I might actually do some of the homework and such, since I’d have to stay after I got my revenge on my family to show that girl around for Markus.
“So what’s your plan for this week then?” Lake asked. Like me, he was also lying in bed, his blond hair messy and his blue eyes a bit droopy. He must’ve only had the lamp near his bedside on, for not much light illuminated his adorable face. God, I missed those dimples.
“Well, I plan on making myself known in the classes, since my sister knows I’m there now.” I toyed with the edge of the pillowcase I laid on absentmindedly. “And I got that boy’s work schedule, so I’m going to be paying some visits to him this week. Beyond that, I don’t know. I might decide to go to this dinner my parents invited me to, although I might bring Carter along for that. I haven’t decided yet.”
Carter would make a mess of the dinner, and that was the point. He was gruffer than Roman, angrier, less polite. My parents would have a cow, and I would have a ball. Like, a really good time.
“You can say his name, you know,” Lake mused, dimples appearing on his cheeks. “I’m not going to get jealous or anything. I trust you.” His words were so real, so genuine, I felt them in my soul, and then I ached for him even more.
I smiled at my phone, at the image of him on my screen. “I miss you so much, Lake. It’s hard being here without you.” Before he got a chance to be all mushy-gushy on me in return, I went on, “And I’m glad you trust me. Roman and Carter aren’t too happy with the thought of me stealing Wyatt away from my sister, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s her just desserts.”
“I get it. Every villain needs to have their comeuppance,” Lake said. “Just… from what you told me about him, Wyatt seems nice. Hurt your sister all you want, but try not to break his heart too badly.” The smile he wore right then softened.
“You haven’t even met the guy, and you’re calling him nice.” I stopped myself from rolling my eyes at him, just barely.
He chuckled. “I like to think I’m a good judge of character. I liked you from the beginning, didn’t I? That turned out all right, minus your other boyfriends.” His usual witty tone was music to my ears, and I couldn’t stop grinning at him. It caused him to say, “What?”
“I’m just remembering how persistent you were.” I grinned. “Roman even had you kidnapped for me—” Lake muttered that it had happened twice under his breath, while I carried on, “Things have changed, but at the same time, they haven’t. I’m so glad you didn’t give up on me, Lake.”
“I’m pretty glad I didn’t, too.”
“Isn’t it late for you? Don’t you have classes tomorrow?”
Lake shot back, “I could ask the same of you.” His retort made me giggle, and I rolled onto my back, holding the phone above my head. Lake looked down at me from the screen, and I knew right then we were both thinking the same thing.
I wished he was here. I wished I could hold him, feel his hands on me, feel his lips on mine. I wished I could feel his bare skin on mine, hear his laughter in person. I’d give anything to have Lake here with me, but I totally understood why he didn’t want to come. He’d missed stuff during the whole shooting thing, and now he’d starting a new semester—right before we’d left, actually, which meant new classes and new professors he didn’t want to upset. I understood that.
“You’re probably right,” I spoke with a sigh. “I guess I should be going to bed too. It’s hard to get back on a normal sleeping schedule. I’m so used to staying up all night at the Dollhouse, but I can’t do that here.”
“Hey, I’m not going to complain you’re not at the Dollhouse,” Lake whispered. He’d never particularly liked the fact that I’d continued to work there after everything with Roman and Carter, and after being shot. He thought I should find a different place of employment, but I just couldn’t. Those girls, Jamie… they were my family, more my family than my actual family.
“Goodnight, Lake, we’ll talk tomorrow. I love you.”
He smiled at me, soft dimples on his cheeks. “I love you too, Zoey. Night.” We both reached to press the end call button on the screen at the same time, and once the call ended, I was left alone in a room that was far too much like the one I’d left at my parents’ house.
I didn’t like it here. I couldn’t wait until I was back home with Lake by my side.
I skipped class to check out Wyatt at his job. The Monday before, my sister had blinders on, refusing to notice my presence in class, even though I’d made sure to sit closer to her so she’d see me. If my mere presence could annoy her so much, I was more than happy to be a silent glarer.
But, you know, she did deserve more than that, which was why I made sure to be in the student union while Wyatt worked.
I wasn’t sure if he had plans to take his break around lunch with Willow again, but I planned on inviting him to my own little lunch date anyway… and buy a textbook I didn’t need just so it didn’t look too weird. I might act confident, but most of it was fake. I’d dated Bryan for way longer than I wanted to admit, and unlike him, I was faithful. The fact that I had three boyfriends now did not make this any less weird for me.
I wasn’t like Willow. I didn’t try to steal people’s boyfriends or would-be crushes. Just because I wanted to give my sister a taste of her own medicine didn’t necessarily mean I was having the time of my life doing it. Sure, I’d get a hell of a lot of satisfaction from seeing the look on Willow’s face when she realized she had lost Wyatt to me, but Lake’s words rang in my head louder than they should’ve.
Wyatt seemed nice. I shouldn’t hurt him more than I had to.
Unfortunately, though, he would have to be a casualty in this war between me and my family.
When it neared lunchtime, I strolled into the shop, passing Wyatt, who was in the process of taking off his nametag and handing the register over to someone else. He saw me walk in and head straight to the back, where the books were, and he grinned. I didn’t have to do a double-take to know he followed me into the back of the store.
I went straight for a calculus textbook like I knew that was the one, holding the textbook close to my chest as I turned to return to the front to check out, nearly walking right into Wyatt while doing so. I took a step back, smiling at him and tucking some of my hair behind an ear. “Sorry,” I said.