Page 118 of The Dollhouse
I lost myself in him then. I couldn’t tell if the person who’d rounded the corner still stood there a good fifteen feet away or not. It didn’t matter. Carter drew closer and closer to his release with each pump of that cock, and I was so worked up with the thought of putting on a show, so full of satisfaction, that I was pushed toward the edge myself.
Pleasure seared through me, taking hold of me in every way, the orgasm so powerful I could do nothing but whimper out another cry and hold onto Carter harder. My entire body felt like it was on cloud nine, riding the highest high it could, my muscles tingly.
Carter must’ve felt the orgasm take hold of me, for he groaned out a single word: “Fuck.” He said nothing else, jerking his hips against me and pushing his cock deep into my pussy. The cock inside of me twitched, and I imagined him filling me up, his cum shooting out and coating my inner walls, all hot and sticky and white. The mere thought filled me with even more pleasure.
By the time Carter withdrew from me and we fixed our clothes, whoever had rounded the corner was gone, no longer watching. In truth, I had no idea how long he’d stood there, watching Carter and I fuck, and in the end, it wouldn’t matter. I’d be able to tell if it was Wyatt, because he’d be blushing and stammering and awkward, and if it wasn’t Wyatt, well, like I’d said before: none of it would matter in the end.
I angled my head up to Carter, saying, “Now go. I can handle myself here. I don’t want anyone else to see you.” I licked my lips, my eyes falling to his crotch, where his dick sat, tucked away behind his pants, still erect. Carter, always raring to go for round two, always ready for more. If girls saw what he packed under the hood, they’d be all over him, and then I’d have to leave Wyatt for the night to defend my territory.
“I’ll leave you be,” he grumbled, “but I’m not leaving. It’s bad enough you’re alone during the day here. I won’t let you walk around at night by yourself, and if you think I would, you’re fucking stupid.”
Ah, Carter. Always a charmer.
I gave him a playful punch in his stomach, and then I started to walk away from him, leaving Carter in the shadows. I could feel the wetness between my legs beneath the leggings, and I knew his cum was seeping out, faster thanks to gravity, and I hoped the stain wouldn’t be visible from the outside.
Rounding the corner of the house, I saw Wyatt slipping back inside. A low smile crossed my face when I wondered if it had been him who’d seen us, if he knew it was me. Well, he already knew I had a few boyfriends; no point in beating around the bush. He knew I had multiple boyfriends, and yet he’d still chosen me over my sister.
That made me feel good, of course, but I also knew it was a delicate balance. Willow would start to play dirty, so I had to, too.
“Wyatt,” I called out to him, hurrying to grab the door and follow him inside, catching up to him within moments. I caught him in the kitchen, lightly touching his elbow and causing him to whirl on me.
His cheeks had a pinkness they didn’t before, and he was slow in coughing and saying, “Was that… was that you out there, with that guy? I came looking for you after Willow, to tell you what I told her, but you weren’t there, and—” And the boy rambled adorably, choosing the most roundabout way to get to the destination.
I ran a hand through my hair, which had admittedly gotten messed up during the fucking, and said, “Actually, yes. One of my boyfriends came to make sure I was okay.” There was a whole world around us, a party going on in the fraternity house, but none of it mattered. I stared deep into his green eyes, asking, “So… you saw that?”
Wyatt glanced around, the unease and awkwardness written on his face. Anyone with eyes would see it. A few seconds passed before he nodded, looking guilty. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to, I just—I was looking for you, and I heard noises, and I thought maybe it was you. Maybe you were in trouble or something—”
So he followed the sounds and was going to try to save me? The more I got to know him, the more I wished everything could be different. I wouldn’t feel as bad about using him if he was a typical rich boy from Hillcrest, but he was anything but that.
“I’ll tell you what I told him: I’m okay.” I studied his reaction, noted how he couldn’t hold my gaze for too long. He was supremely embarrassed. I had to let him know I wasn’t upset at him seeing, so I said, “Did you like what you saw?”
He blinked, and then he frantically glanced around us, as if he was checking to make sure no one was hanging around, listening to this particular conversation. When it was clear everyone else was going on with their own lives, he stammered out, “I, uh, I didn’t—I mean, what I saw I couldn’t—”
“It’s okay, Wyatt,” I told him. I took a step closer to him, whispering, “I’m kind of an exhibitionist, so I like showing off. I don’t mind if you saw… or if you liked what you saw.” A beat passed before I asked, “Is it too much for you? I know it is for a lot of people, so if you don’t want to talk to me anymore, I get it. Willow might like her drama, but even then, things wouldn’t be as complicated with her as they’d be with me.”
Wyatt shook his head. “No, no. I don’t—I told Willow what she did wasn’t cool. She said you were trying to steal me from her, but I told her I wasn’t hers to begin with. She’s not the kind of person I want to be with. And you…” He swallowed. “You’re complicated, yeah, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think I like complicated when it comes to you.”
Jesus. I could not have scripted this better myself, even if I’d tried.
Then Wyatt said something that caught me off-guard, something that made my heart beat a little faster, in spite of itself: “You’re not playing me, are you? This isn’t some joke or game to you, is it? Because if it is, tell me now, please.”
“No,” I said, “of course not.” And that, my friends, was the hardest lie I’d ever had to say.
He grinned, reaching up to rub the back of his neck, as he often did when he felt a little uneasy. Definitely a tick of his. “Good. I’ll be honest, I don’t know what I would’ve done if you would’ve said yes.”
“Been heartbroken, completely devastated?” I offered.
Wyatt chuckled. “I think that’s getting ahead of ourselves, but… you’re not completely wrong.” The goofy smile he wore on his face right then reminded me too much of Lake, and that caused me to make a split-second decision.
“I think I should go, though. I’m feeling kind of tired after all that—and I don’t just mean what you saw. Dealing with Willow always tires me out. You’d think after growing up with her I’d be used to it, but I’m not. Not going to lie, it’s been nice being away from her and my parents.”
Thankfully, he didn’t try to make me stay. Parties were clearly not his thing anyway, so I’d bet any money he was happy to be out of here. Plus, he probably had some homework to do, like he mentioned. “Did you drive? I could walk you to your car—”
“I walked,” I spoke with a shrug. Something a lot of people around here didn’t do. Fancy cars were a right of passage around here. “I don’t live too far from here.”
“Oh, well, I could drive you home, then?” Wyatt sounded so unbelievably awkward when he said, “Or, I guess you could just grab a ride with your boyfriend since he’s here—” Even as he spoke, he was so unsure of himself.
“He’ll be fine. I told him to get out of here, so if you want to drive me…” As I trailed off, I smiled. It might come in handy, having him know where I live. Still not sure how far to take this, but you never knew.