Page 151 of The Dollhouse
Carter harrumphed, his lips taut in a frown, “And we’re sure the people we invited are actually going to show up? I know we heard from Sylvester, but what if your parents don’t show up? Isn’t that kind of the whole point of this fucking thing?”
“They’ll show. They never turn down an invitation,” Zoey said, glancing at Carter, and then me, and lastly, Lake. “Plus, they’ll want to meet you guys. Their curiosity will get the better of them, and my mother probably has a whole speech lined up to give me about what happened last weekend.”
Assuming everyone got here on time, everyone else would arrive before her parents. That included a whole host of colorful characters both Markus and I knew, along with the big people around Hillcrest. The families who had a lot of sway in the community. The ones who you only wanted to put your best face out for.
This humiliation Zoey planned for her parents would be as public as something could be in Hillcrest. By tomorrow, everyone would know just how far the Marbella name had fallen. Her parents would lose the respect of their peers, and they’d become the black sheep of the city.
Lake glanced to Carter and me, deadpanning, “I don’t know about you two, but I, for one, can’t wait to meet the old ‘rents. They sound like lovely people. Very nice people. The kind of people you can really trust your life to.” He paused, letting a few seconds pass before adding, “I went too far there. Should’ve just cut it after the can’t wait part.”
Zoey laughed, as if she found him amusing, and I was about to scowl at him, but I heard Carter let out a chuckle, too. I whipped my head in Carter’s direction. My glare caused Carter to try to play off his laugh, suddenly coughing to cover it up.
Carter was becoming too close to Lake. I didn’t think I appreciated it. It was bad enough Lake held Zoey’s affection and her heart, but I drew the line when it came to Carter. We’d been through so much together. Carter and Lake being friends was just… not fucking possible.
Maybe it was because I’d gotten pissed at the whole exchange, but I checked the time. Finding we had plenty, I growled out, “Lake, give us the room for a moment.” It was an order, and yet Lake remained sitting on the edge of Zoey’s bed, not moving a muscle.
God, sometimes I wanted to put a cap in him.
“I am going to watch Carter lift up that dress and shove his dick in her,” I hissed, “so unless you want to watch as well, I suggest you get the fuck out of here.” Near the mirror, Zoey set down her makeup, giving me a harsh look. “He will not mess up your dress.” It had a slit up the side, ending just near her thigh, so it’d be all too easy for him to hoist it up while pounding her from behind.
Lake’s cheeks got red. In the beginning, he would’ve gotten up and left. Or I would’ve had Carter take him by the neck and toss him out, but he remained rooted in place. He did not move a muscle, and he actually had the balls to say, “I’ll, uh, I’ll stay right here, I think.”
Even my glare did nothing to make him scurry away. Hmm. Perhaps the boy had grown a backbone when I wasn’t looking. Although, frankly, I didn’t give a single fuck about him, so I paid absolutely no attention to him when I didn’t have to.
Fine. Lake could stay. He could stay and watch, but if he thought he was participating this time, he’d be sorely disappointed.
I shut the bedroom door with my foot, already feeling my cock start to swell with the thought of Carter having her. My eyes met Carter’s, and I gave him a nod. I didn’t need to say a single word; he knew what to do.
Carter stormed over to Zoey, spinning her around to face him before moving her away from the mirror. Once he got her far enough away from the mirror, he slammed her back against the wall. He was anything but a gentle lover, but he would take care when it came to her dress. His hand wrapped around her neck, and she let out a breathy sigh that told me she might be feisty, but she loved it all the same.
She liked submitting. Liked being watched. She got off on it just like I got off on watching. We were a perfect match, and I swore to fucking God I’d never let this girl go. If she ever tired of this, of us, and she tried to run… let’s just say I would rethink my opinions on putting her in a cage.
Zoey Marbella would be mine forevermore. She would never escape my clutches. I might let her run wild every so often, but that was just it: Ilether. I allowed it. I only did so because I cared for her. If a man like me was capable of love, I felt it for her.
Carter spun her around, the hand on her neck swinging to hold the back of it, tangling up in her hair. He lifted it up, bending down to breathe in her scent, leaning his nose against the nape of her neck and causing Zoey to shiver. Her hands were flat on the wall, bracing herself for the onslaught of what was to come. AKA Carter’s cock.
He let go of her, only so he could bend and grab the bottom of her dress, lifting it up enough to bare her ass. She wore a sexy little number under there, and Carter pulled it to the side, licking his fingers before running them along her lower lips. Zoey let out a soft moan.
Carter was more than ready to fuck her, and within the next few moments, his belt was undone and his pants were around his ankles. He had to grab her backside and pull it out a bit, making her brace herself against the wall at a better angle so he could slide his cock into her. He stroked his thick member before once again pulling her panties aside and pushing inside her. Carter’s eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head, while Zoey let out another feminine cry, the sound muffled by her biting her bottom lip.
I could not take my eyes off them. Even though they were both mostly clothed, it was still beyond arousing to watch Carter have at her. With Carter, it was instant, a flip of a switch; he was always ready to unleash the inner beast when it came to sex with Zoey. Who could blame him for that? Zoey was fucking perfect, and we all knew it.
I didn’t look at Lake, but I’d bet anything the boy watched the show from his angle on the bed. From where he sat in the room, all he could see was Carter pounding into her from behind, but I supposed it was the mere fact that the fucking was transpiring in the same room as him.
My own cock was steel in my pants, begging to be let out, but I would wait for my release until after the party, until it was just the three of us in this house and no one else. No help, no friends, no family.
Just us, as it should be.
Carter went at her roughly, and I could easily imagine what it felt like to have Zoey pinned against the wall, her ass out, her pussy accepting every hard thrust. I could picture how fucking amazing it felt to have her tight walls wrapped around his cock, milking him for all he’s worth. A body like that was made to be used, and I was all too happy to put it to good use.
The sounds coming from the couple fucking on the wall grew more desperate, hungrier, needier. The thrusting grew rougher, wilder. I watched Carter have his way with her, chasing after his orgasm, and when it came, he let out a roar of a sound, his muscular body slamming into Zoey’s. I imagined his cock twitching in her core, emptying its cum, which would mark her as his all night and stain those precious panties. It would be our little secret.
But Zoey was more than okay with that. She liked knowing our cum dripped out of her pussy and onto her panties as much as we did. It was perhaps why she did not move right away, even after Carter withdrew from her.
Carter breathed roughly, his wide, strong chest rising and falling with every inhalation of his lungs. Though he was a happy man—who wouldn’t be after being inside Zoey’s sweet cunt—his face still wore a scowl. As always. He turned that scowl to me, though I did notice how he glanced at Lake for a split second afterward.
“See?” he asked, gruff. “I can be gentle.”
Though I was not looking at her, I knew Zoey rolled her eyes. Mostly because it was Carter, but also because we all knew Carter and gentle didn’t mix. He hadn’t torn her dress though, which was something, I supposed.