Page 46 of The Dollhouse
I held onto her hips again, this time digging my fingers into her sides, feeling her bounce along my dick with what had to be wild abandon, a deep, carnal hunger. Zoey was wild as she rode me, her body taking charge, taking the lead like it was always meant to, and I was a slave to her, a willing participant in anything she might want me to do.
How could I possibly say no to her? How could I look her in the eye and deny her anything? I’d been a fool to try. Zoey had me, and she had me good.
Her pace picked up, and I tried to hold myself off, tried to think of burning babies or whatever the hell else my health teacher in high school had advised the guys in the class to think about when trying to hold off an orgasm.
Needless to say, it didn’t really work out. My mind was too caught up in Zoey and the feeling of her tight, wet cunt milking me.
I came, and I came hard. I came so hard my entire body spasmed, a low groan escaping my throat as I trembled beneath her. My head fell back after the orgasm faded, my entire body on fire, the best feeling in the world.
Zoey’s pace began to slow, and soon enough her grinding hips stopped. She placed her head on my shoulder, breathing just as hard as I was, her skin literally burning up from what we just did.
Sex. We just had sex.
I just had sex with Zoey. It was going to take me a while to let it really sink in.
“So,” she spoke, her breath hitting the side of my neck as she nuzzled against me, my dick still inside her, “when do you want to go out again?” Zoey grinned up at me, and as I angled my head down to stare at her, to meet those vibrant, beautiful blue eyes, I could feel everything changing.
I liked this girl a lot. I wanted to do more than take her out on another date. I wanted to call her more than just my too-pretty-to-be-real neighbor. If I had my way, Zoey would be all mine. My girlfriend.
But that was probably getting ahead of myself, so I had to play it cool.
Chapter Thirteen – Zoey
Well, so much for keeping myself away from Lake, huh? A tiny part of it, if I was honest, was because of what happened with Roman. His strange, unexplained disappearance. But, you know what? Another part, a bigger part, was simply because I was searching for something—something real, something genuine. Something I apparently never had before.
I wanted to be someone’s whole world, the light in their eyes and the fire in their heart and body. I wanted to be someone’s everything, the way I never was for Bryan, to have someone who cared about me more than anything else in the world, the way my family never really cared.
A foolish want, I knew. This wasn’t a fairytale. This wasn’t a book or a movie; this was real life, and right now my real life sucked something fierce. You’d think I’d be used to it by now, but I wasn’t, not really. The downside of being human meant knowing reality sucked while simultaneously wishing it was better, hoping for something more in the future. I’d probably only be disappointed, but that was something I’d deal with when the time came.
Lake and I got into a groove. We went out a few more times, got to know each other more. He was almost too normal. Too down-to-earth, the complete opposite of any guy from Hillcrest. The guys I was used to being around were often too caught up in themselves, in their own problems or appearances, to really pay much attention to anyone else, Bryan included.
It was a Tuesday night, and I was set to leave for work, wearing what I normally did to cover up the skimpy under suit I’d be wearing while at the Dollhouse. I left my apartment, checking the lock, prepared for Lake to walk me out, as he usually did when I worked nowadays.
He literally wanted to spend as much time with me as he could, like he could never get enough, and I loved it.
If I wasn’t careful, I’d fall for him as fast and as hard as I fell for Roman’s dominance and Carter’s abrasiveness. Hah, judging from the men I liked, I liked a bit of everything. Hot and cold, soft and rough, kind and wild. Give it all to me. Variety was the spice of life, you know? And I was trying to live the life my parents would’ve never let me, had I stayed with them.
But, for whatever reason, Lake wasn’t in the hall, ready to walk me out. I debated on going to his door and knocking; maybe he was in the bathroom or something? Or maybe he just forgot. He knew I worked Tuesday and Thursday nights.
Still didn’t know I worked at the Dollhouse, though. When he’d asked me what I did, I told him I worked overnight at some local store for cleaning. Eventually I’d have to tell him. Or, perhaps I’d grow the balls to quit the Dollhouse and sever the last connection I had with Roman, and it could stay a secret.
It wasn’t like I cared much, whether or not Lake knew. I just… I didn’t know if he’d think of me differently. I didn’t know how he’d react, so I’d rather just not let it get to that point.
I decided knocking on his door would seem a little needy, a little too much, so I simply went to the elevator and hit the down button, waiting by myself for the doors to slide open. It’s okay. Everything was fine. I’d probably see Lake tomorrow, and he’d apologize half a dozen times for not being here to walk me out.
Eh, I was a big girl. I could handle the walk by myself. It was just nice to have him there, to talk with him more and see those dimples as much as I could.
We hadn’t had sex again; Lake was right when he said we should take things slow. That night on our first date, I’d needed it, though. I’d needed the release, needed to know that he wanted me like that. Call me selfish, call me petty, whatever. After being with Roman and Carter, I needed a not-so-vanilla sex life.
The elevator arrived, and I got on, lost in my own thoughts as it took me to the ground floor. My mind was too busy thinking about why Lake wasn’t there to walk me out as I left the building, heading across the parking lot. His car was still here, so he had to be up in that apartment.
I would talk with him tomorrow and see what was up. For now, I had to go to work and make that money.
The sun had already set; the air growing a bit chillier at night. Summer was over. Soon enough I’d have to wear pants on the walks to work, provided I still worked at the Dollhouse then. Granted, I didn’t want to. I didn’t see myself working there for longer than I absolutely had to—but if that was the case, why hadn’t I looked up any other jobs in the nearby area? Why hadn’t I applied to any other places and tried to get myself out of that club as soon as possible?
I wasn’t stupid. I knew why I was waiting.
Fucking Roman. Fucking Carter. A part of me still hoped they’d come back, make their triumphant return, apologize to me for going MIA.