Page 62 of The Dollhouse
“I do so enjoy watching Carter take you,” I whispered against her cheek, my lips roaming to her ear as she practically turned to goo beneath me. “I love watching you unravel, Zoey Marbella, while knowing you’re mine.”
Mine. Because that’s exactly what she was. She would not be with Carter if it weren’t for me, nor would she be with Lake. I was the one who allowed it all; I was the puppet master here, the conductor of this orchestra, and I would never let her forget it.
Zoey was mine, and she would be mine until the day one of us drew our last breath.
I said nothing else, moving my hips, feeling my cock position itself near her entrance. Using one arm to prop me up, I used the other to grab myself and rub my length along her slit, feeling the slickness of her natural lubrication; what I felt was not the wetness lingering from the dip in the pool. She arched her back beneath me, and I took in the sight of her glorious tits, her nipples hard and pointed, ready for the taking.
Before I pushed myself inside, I took a nipple into my mouth, grazing my teeth over it as I listened to her mewl. My tongue swirled around it, and mere seconds before I pushed inside and abandoned the nipple, I gave it a little bite.
Her legs were spread beneath me, her body taking in my cock easily. Carter had gotten her ready for me, her inner walls slick. I thrust into her, watching as she rocked on the bed beneath me, her cunt more than addictive. I took her hard and I took her fast; I pumped into her like an animal, wild and free, not bothering to hold back at all.
I grasped her neck as I fucked her, squeezing hard enough to stifle her air a bit, but not hard enough to knock her out. Zoey liked it rough. I doubted she’d ever had it like this with her prick of an ex, and I knew for a fact she wouldn’t get a fucking like this with that Lake boy. I was her tiger, her animal, and I’d make sure she always remembered it.
Oh, yes, I’d say Zoey more than liked it rough, because with the hand around her throat, with my cock buried deep inside her, her body started to tense, trembling as pleasure swept over her. She came hard, her inner walls tightening around my length, a cry escaping from her mouth—as much of a sound that could slip through those lips while I had a grip on her.
This would not be the only time she came while filled with my cock. I would rock her world and make her tremble over and over again, only allow thoughts of me inside that pretty head. Tonight she was all mine.
We tried every position we could. We graduated to doggie style soon enough, though it made me come entirely too quickly, frankly. I had her bent over the side of my bed while I stood behind her, ramming into her the next moment. She tried to be on top for a while, but that was not so much my style—at least, not when my cock was the one inside of her.
I filled her with my cum, caused that body to shake in pleasure half a dozen times before I felt the night start to wear on my body. We ended the long, hot and sweaty session with her laying on her stomach, my cock pushing into her from behind, my arm around her chest, holding her against me.
So tight, so warm, so fucking good, even after all this time. How could a body feel this good? How could her cunt feel as if it was made specifically for me and me alone? I never wanted her out of this room, but I knew that was too much to want; it would never happen. She was too strong, too bull-headed to ever let me control her quite like that.
I breathed hard into her hair, my body slick with sweat, my cock nearly spent as I rammed into her. Her body must’ve gotten worn out, for the most she did was let out a moan every now and then, the only sign she gave me to let me know I was doing something right.
Leaning my cheek on the back of her head, I murmured, my voice husky and ragged, all low and gravelly, “I love being inside you, Zoey Marbella.” It was my turn to groan as I thrust, adding, “If I had my way, my cock would never leave you.” The details of something like that would be impossible, but any time I was not with her, I’d be thinking of her, wishing I was, desperate to get back home to her.
My release came, dominating me in a savage swell of pleasure. Who knew how much cum I actually sprayed inside her that time; my balls were probably drained dry by her tattooed body, but it didn’t matter. I grew rigid over her, my body pressing down on hers as I felt the orgasm slowly fade away, taking its time in receding.
Though it was the last thing I wanted to do, I pulled out of her, rolling on my side and keeping my hold around her, bringing her with me. We remained in silence for a while, the night long since given way to early dawn. I… I did not want this girl to leave, which was why I said what I said next.
“You should move in here.”
Zoey could not fly out of my arms fast enough, sitting up and whirling on me, her eyebrows practically to the ceiling. “What the fuck did you just say?”
Ah, my girl with the attitude and the mouth to match. You’d never know she came from a rich place like Hillcrest.
With my head resting on my pillow, I simply smirked at her. “I said you should move in. I don’t like you being so far away.” Plus, if she lived here, it would be easier to keep tabs on her, and she’d always be here after a job. She could quit that Dollhouse, do whatever the fuck she wanted without having to worry about money. I’d take care of what’s mine.
She let out an incredulous chuckle, her bare tits on display, two beautiful round things that I just wanted to nip at. There might be a few bite marks on them now, already bruising from our long, heated session. “I think this is a conversation we should have at a later time, Roman.”
I didn’t get up; instead, I lifted an arm, my fingers curling around her tender throat. It still amazed me how small her neck was, how easy it would be to break it—and yet, even though that was the case, she was someone I would kill to protect.
“We’ll have the conversation when I want to have the fucking conversation,” I hissed out, the smile growing on my lips one I could not stop. Zoey made me feel things no other woman ever did, more than just made my dick hard. I wanted to have her body and soul, and mark my words, I would.
This was only the beginning of our story together, and I could not wait to see where the hell it led to next.
Chapter Eighteen – Zoey
The aroma of freshly-baked pizza wafted in Lake’s apartment, a pizza box sitting at the base of the bed near us. We each had our own plastic plate, and Lake had turned the television set on, prepped the movie we were about to watch. He had it all ready to go on our follow-up date.
No sex this time, apparently, but that was fine. I already had one Roman and Carter in my life; I did not need another.
Besides, sometimes it was just nice to hang out with someone else, to simply enjoy their company for what it was, to know someone simply wanted to spend time with me.
“I’m telling you, this is a classic,” Lake spoke.
I wasn’t so sure about that. I’d done a little research, and while I knew it stuck around the geek circle, calling it a classic seemed a little much. This wasn’tStar Warswe were talking about; no, it was something much different, and maybe a little worse.