Page 65 of The Dollhouse
“All I want to do is talk to my girlfriend, and your employees are making it difficult,” Bryan said, reaching into his back pocket, about to pull out his wallet to pay them off, probably. “How much will it take for you guys to leave us alone?”
The man of the hour appeared, commanding the space nearby. Anyone who knew what was good for them stepped aside as Roman appeared, wearing the same sleek suit he always did, though today his undershirt was a dark red, the color of dried blood. With his black hair and equally black eyes, with his tall, towering figure and solid muscles, he literally looked like the devil incarnate.
I never thought I’d be happier to see the devil, if that was the case.
Roman must’ve heard what Bryan said—that, or he knew who Bryan was, since he investigated my old life—for he spoke, not even glancing at Autumn as he ordered, “Clear out the place. I want it empty in five minutes.”
Autumn blinked, not bothering to hide her shock. “What? But—” When Roman glared at her, she swallowed. “All right.” And with that, she walked away, Crystal at her side as they worked on cutting the music, getting Ruby off the stage, and informing the other patrons that the Dollhouse was closing early tonight.
Jamie automatically took a few steps away from Roman and Carter, tossing me a look. The bouncer remained, glaring at Bryan even though Roman was now doing a perfect job on his own.
“Who the fuck are you supposed to be?” Bryan asked.
Behind him, Carter sneered, but Roman allowed himself a slow, calculating smile. Anyone who knew Roman would know to be terrified of a smile like that, and yet my ex was so blissfully unaware of what that man was capable of.
Roman said, “I’m the owner of this fine establishment.”
Autumn and Crystal were busy shooing everyone out, the music stopped playing in the speakers. Overhead, the dim lighting brightened a bit, Autumn having flicked on the lights on her way out.
“Get these two out of here,” Roman spoke, referencing Jamie and the bouncer. Carter did as he was told, and in the next few moments, we were alone in the Dollhouse.
Funny how different it looked when it wasn’t trying to be a sexy club. Funny how strange everything looked; it all seemed out of place, like the mysteriousness had vanished the moment the lights were flipped on.
Roman glanced to the seats near the table I had been busy cleaning, gesturing for Bryan. “Sit,” he ordered, and for a moment, it appeared as though Bryan wanted to argue, wanted to tell Roman no one could order him around—but my ex popped a squat anyway, and Roman was slow to do the same.
I moved away from them, my feet bringing me to the stage. I still stood near them, but not close enough that Bryan could try to touch me again; my wrist still had the heebie-jeebies after that, the memory of his hand there almost too much. I never wanted to be touched by him again. Never. Hell, I didn’t even want to see him again, and yet here he was.
This… fuck. I had the feeling this night was only going to get worse.
Chapter Nineteen – Roman
I would not consider tonight to be a good night, not when Carter and I walked into the Dollhouse and saw a man standing far too close to Zoey. My Zoey. No, I would not consider it a good night when we stepped closer and I realized who he was.
Of course, the dipshit was still going on about how Zoey was his girlfriend, and that couldn’t have been further from the truth.
There was a bit of a crowd around them, but I handled it well. With Carter’s help, soon enough it was only me, Carter, Bryan Oakes, and Zoey in the Dollhouse.
Bryan Oakes. Oh, yes, I knew all about him. Too much, some might say. He was not a very interesting fellow, though he pretended to be to gain everyone’s interest. I had no idea what Zoey ever saw in him, or if she simply dated him to make her family happy. Either way, she would not ever return to a relationship with the fucker.
Zoey stood near the stage, looking anxious, maybe a bit frightened. She looked drop-dead gorgeous in her skin-tight lingerie, but now was not the time to ogle her, as I sat beside Bryan, a small circular table between us. I leaned back in the chair, unbuttoning my suit jacket and watching as Carter strode back to us.
“Did you—” I didn’t have to finish the question, for Carter nodded. Did you lock the doors? Would no one interrupt us? This might just get a little messy, as I would not take this intrusion laying down.
Bryan thought he could waltz back into Zoey’s life, find her and drag her back home? Force her to be with him after he tried to explain the reason he was also seeing her sister behind her back? He was an idiot if he thought that would be the case.
Zoey was mine now, and I would do anything to protect what was mine.
Carter stood beside Zoey, and Bryan noticed how close he was to her, leaning forward in his seat, giving Carter a glare I was certain he thought was intimidating. It wasn’t, of course. Nothing Bryan could do or say would unnerve us.
“So, Bryan Oakes, tell me why you’re here,” I said.
He drew his glare away from Carter, landing it on me as he realized what I said. “How do you know who I am? I never told you—”
“No,” I cut in, frowning, “you didn’t, but I make it a habit to know certain things, Bryan, and that includes the names and faces of those who’ve wronged the people I care about.” I flicked a hand toward Zoey, my gaze heavy on Bryan. “Allow me to warn you right now and let you know that I would not hesitate to do anything for Zoey.”
Bryan scoffed, “The fuck, man? Do you get this close to all of your employees?” To Zoey, he added, “Just wait until I tell your family this is where you’re working—” Whether he sought to make Zoey feel like shit for her choices or not, I didn’t care, for he was under the wrong impression here.
“I’m going to stop you right there,” I interrupted, glancing at Carter, who shifted his weight, ready to leap into action. Being a rich boy, I figured Bryan didn’t have anything on him; he relied on his money to keep him safe. Alas, this was not the place to walk into unprepared. “You must think I’m going to let you walk out of here, to give you the chance to run back home to Hillcrest and tell Zoey’s parents all about this.”