Page 98 of The Dollhouse
“Go ahead,” I egged her on, removing my mouth from her clit and smirking. “Answer it. Video chat with him. Maybe Lake will like to watch you lose it.” I knew he’d rather not, but I didn’t care. Lines had been crossed between us a few times already; what was once more?
Zoey squirmed. “I shouldn’t—I should tell him to call me back in a bit.” As she said that, she reached behind her, feeling around for her phone. Her fingers found it, curled around its sides, and she brought it down, running her tongue over her lip as she read Lake’s name on her screen. “I should—” She let out a moan when I sucked on her clit.
“Answer it,” I whispered. “I fucking dare you. No way you can hold a conversation with him while I’m between your legs.” As if further proving my point, my hands found her outer thighs, fingers digging into her skin hard. Sometimes I liked leaving bruises or scratches. Love marks. Evidence of our fucking. It got me hard just thinking about it.
If ever there was a time to rise to the challenge, it was now, and Zoey knew it. As if questioning my abilities, she cocked a single eyebrow at me and hit the screen to answer the call. Within a few more seconds, she was holding the phone in the air above her head, grinning at Lake, who I imagined looked just as stupid as ever on her screen.
“Hey,” she said, sounding more breathless than she probably wanted to, and I couldn’t help but smirk a little harder at that. I stared at her, watching her first interaction with Lake, knowing that in a few moments, I’d return my full attention to the beautiful pink space below.
“Hey,” Lake spoke. There was a pause before he said, “You okay?” He must’ve noticed the slight pink twinge of color to her cheeks, a color she only got when she was thinking of getting fucked or actually fucking.
“Yeah, yeah.” Zoey swallowed. “I’m okay. Just—just nervous for tomorrow.” That was an understatement I think; she didn’t plan on seeing her parents right away, but her sister? She’d definitely see her tomorrow, as she was in her classes. She was nervous, but she’d be fine.
Silently chuckling to myself, I returned my mouth to her clit, running my tongue flat against it once before circling it, paying special attention to the side that made her legs tremble and her thighs threaten to close around my head. Zoey instantly squirmed, as if trying to get away from my mouth and its assault, but I still held onto her outer thighs, so she wasn’t going anywhere.
Zoey must’ve been biting her cheek or something, because she didn’t even moan when I sucked hard on her clit. She carried on her conversation with Lake as if I was not between her legs—although she definitely had her sex voice on.
“You’re going to do great,” Lake told her, reassuring her not for the first time. “I just can’t wait until you’re back.”
“Might be a little longer than we all thought,” she managed to say, holding in a gasp as I stuck a finger into her pussy and started to rub on her G-spot while still sucking on her clit. Sensation overload. “I don’t know how long this will take, and then I have to show someone around. I just hope I don’t have to do it for too long, because I already miss you.”
Or, at least, she tried to say that; the last few words were cut off but a sharp inhale, her body’s reaction to getting so worked up. Both her clit and the rough spot inside her grew more swollen with each passing second. She had to be close. She had to be.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Lake asked again. The fool was too innocent-hearted to even think that Zoey wasn’t alone right now, to suspect that someone had his head between her legs and was currently finger-fucking her while lavishing her clit with affection.
“I’m fine, I promise.” Zoey practically whimpered those words out. She might try to act normal, but she failed spectacularly. “Sorry, hold—hold on.” Then she moved to hold her phone against her neck, biting her bottom lip as her body started to spasm. She held in her cry, even as the orgasm swept through her, taking hold of every part of her.
I smirked against her apex, knowing she was doing everything in her power to stifle the orgasm and make it as silent a one as possible. Her face still twisted in pleasure, and I knew if she hadn’t held the phone close to her neck, it would’ve been more than obvious what was going on.
That was fine. I wasn’t done yet. My dick still needed milking.
Once the orgasm was done, she brought the phone back before her face, giving Lake a smile. “Sorry about that,” she said, her pink hairline starting to sweat. “How was your day?” She probably thought if she listened to him talk, at least she wouldn’t have to. It was damn near impossible for her to ignore me, and it would only grow more impossible when I shoved my cock into that sweet pussy.
I pulled away from her cunt and her swollen slit, running my tongue over my lips and withdrawing my finger out of her. I absentmindedly listened to her and Lake—mostly Lake—talk about their day while I undid my belt and pulled off my pants. Everything below the waist, so nothing would get in the way.
“I finished up the first paper of the semester, so that’s good,” Lake was busy saying as I spread Zoey’s legs on the couch and positioned myself at her pussy. “Have I mentioned lately how much I hate writing papers? I’m always so optimistic when I first start drafting, but then, after searching for scholarly sources, I just want to close my eyes and take a nap and hope it finishes itself. That never happens, though. I don’t know why.” His facetious tone was entirely too much for me, and I rolled my eyes as I fisted my cock, wondering why Zoey liked him so much.
Seriously, why? I knew it wasn’t my place to wonder, but come on. She had me and Roman. Why did she need him too? He was so different than us, a weird, dorky, normal college boy, whereas Roman and I ran with the Lucianos as their hitmen, their enforcers. You couldn’t get further on opposite spectrums.
But it wasn’t my place to wonder, I guess. Zoey liked him, and that was all that mattered. Didn’t mean I had to stand back anytime he was around. No, in fact, I think I needed to mark my territory even more.
I stared at Zoey’s face, well aware she was purposefully not looking at me and trying to pay her full attention to Lake’s face on her phone. My lips curled into a smirk, and I bore my hips down, pushing my thick cock inside her inch after inch, filling her core up in a way only I could. Her pussy was tight and wet, slick with arousal, and I shuddered, holding back my own moan of pleasure.
She felt fucking amazing. I couldn’t get over it. It was like every time I was in her, she was just as tight as she’d been that first time. The very first time I’d fucked her in front of Roman, bent her over that couch in the Dollhouse and had at her like I had so many other women before. But Zoey… Zoey was it. She was fucking it for me now. The old me might pity the current me, but the old me could fuck right off, because I wouldn’t trade this for anything.
Her body moved back an inch when I filled her, and she bit her bottom lip, taking a few seconds to say, “I always hated papers. The research was…” Zoey paused when I started to thrust, taking my usual wild, semi-rough pace. She should consider herself lucky; I could go harder. I could go a lot harder. “It fucked—I mean, sucked.”
Heh, somehow I doubted that’s what she really meant. I think she meant what she’d said the first time.
Her free hand shot out, splaying flat across my abdomen, on my muscles, as if trying to stop me from fucking her, but I didn’t let her soft touch sway me. I kept at her, pummeling her pussy, pushing my cock into her over and over again as she endeavored to carry on a conversation. Eventually, she surrendered to me, barely able to pay attention to Lake, only giving him grunts and uh-huhs as responses.
I had her legs in the air on either side of me, my cock balls-deep in her cunt, her body at my mercy. Something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention, and I glanced to my right, toward the hallway.
I found Roman standing in the shadows of the dim hall, his arms crossed over his chest, a look I couldn’t read on his face. He couldn’t see Zoey on the couch from his position; he could only see me, but my position on the couch and the movements I took told him all he needed to know.
“Lake, I—” Zoey swallowed, her inner core clamping down on my dick as if wordlessly trying to slow me down. “—can I call you back in a bit?” The moment Lake gave her the affirmative, a very confused affirmative, she ended the call and let her phone slide out of her fingers, dropping to the floor below.
And now she was all mine.