Page 31 of Rot
Elias shuddered. “Fuck. You’re so tight, Sloane. So fucking tight.” His wide frame came down, and he propped himself above me with his other arm. His hips began to rock, dragging that cock out of me before pushing it back in, over and over until he picked up a quick rhythm. “Goddamn it, you feel so good. Why do you feel so good?”
I felt good? Shit.Hefelt good. Now that I’d grown used to the feeling of something inside me, being full with Elias’s cock was the opposite of a bad feeling. I never wanted this moment to end.
He picked up his pace, fucking me harder. All I could do was lay there and revel in it, close my eyes and lose myself to the pleasure surging through me. My body was hot all over, every part of my skin on fire.
“You want to know a secret? I lied.” I didn’t know what made me say it, but once it was out there, I couldn’t take it back.
Elias slowed his pace, stopping altogether, his cock still nestled inside of me. The hand on my neck forced my head to tilt up to stare at him through the darkness. “You what?” The words sounded like they didn’t want to leave him. That, or he was genuinely confused.
There were so many things I could’ve told him, but I settled for the most recent lie: “I didn’t sleep with Jordan, so I guess you got one of my firsts after all.” I had to let him know. I didn’t want him thinking I’d really given myself to Jordan; Jordan meant nothing to me. I didn’t want him.
Wrong as it was, I wanted Elias.
Maybe it was the fact that his cock was still inside of me, so he could still feel how tight I was around his length, or maybe it was because he got some smug enjoyment out of being my first, but Elias resumed his fucking of me—though at a much quicker pace. He fucked me harder, longer, rougher, like he was trying to mark his territory, to back up all the words he’d spoken before.
I was his. I belonged to him. He could have my virginity and whatever else he wanted from me.
Elias’s breathing grew rough and ragged, every so often a moan escaping him. He fucked me like he needed me, like I was the answer to all the prayers he hadn’t even spoken yet. The bed beneath us rocked with the pace of his fucking.
Everything was heated bliss, and I never wanted this moment to end.
But end it had to, and it ended when Elias abruptly jerked himself out of my pussy, bringing his cock to my lower stomach and spilling his seed there as he came. A part of me felt sad he didn’t come inside of me, but then again, now was definitely not the time to have babies.
What kind of a mother would I be, anyway?
“Come on.” Elias’s hand left my neck, and he took me by the hand and pulled me out of bed. My legs were a little wobbly after all that, but Elias held me steady, pulling me out of my room and into the dark hall. The only reason we could be so brazen in the house was because his mother was gone and mine was useless.
We went straight for the bathroom, locking ourselves inside. He turned the light on, momentarily blinding us both, and then he went for the tub, turning the showerhead on. Not once did he let go of my hand, and in the next moment, he was stepping inside the tub and pulling me with him.
I didn’t know if it was because he was worried there’d be blood, or if he was acting like this for a different reason. I’d heard there was, sometimes—but not always. I didn’t care about blood, and honestly, I was surprised he’d care, too, given the whole accident with his father.
Though, even now, I think there was more to that hunting accident than Elias wanted to let on.
Elias washed off his cock, and then he picked me up and pinned me against the wall, wrapping my legs around his waist. The only reason I didn’t shiver from the cold shower surround on my back was because of how warm Elias’s body was. I wasn’t the only one on fire.
His black eyes were half-lidded as he leaned his face against mine. “I saw him kiss you,” he whispered, his words barely audible over the sound of the shower. “You can’t say that’s a lie.”
So hewaswatching. Perhaps seeing that kiss had been what initially sparked his need to come pay me a late night visit. A need to teach me a lesson. I found it adorable, really—because that’s exactly what I’d hoped for.
Now that the room wasn’t pitch-black, I could see Elias’s intense expression. Half-lidded as he may be, he still stared at me like he hated me. That must just be the usual Elias face. Hateful and angry.
I ran a hand along his jawline, feeling it tense. “I thought you might be watching,” I told him, “so I wanted to put on a show.”
He let out a growl. “Did you?” His nose leaned against mine, his mouth so very close to mine. It was like he knew how badly I wanted to feel his lips on mine. He knew and wanted me to suffer just a bit longer.
All I could do was nod.
“You wanted me to go fucking crazy watching you with Jordan Vito? Because I did. I watched. I lost my shit. I listened to you come upstairs and go to bed, like you did nothing wrong. I paced my fucking room while imagining my hands wrapping around Jordan’s neck and squeezing the life out of him,” Elias murmured. “And then I imagined doing the same to you.”
His gaze had fallen, his voice softer but just as menacing as he added, “Is that what you want? Is that what you do? Get into someone’s head and make them go insane? Because that’s what you’re doing to me, Sloane. That’s what you’re doing to me.”
Elias didn’t say anything else, nor could I. Why? Oh, just the simple fact that his mouth had finally closed in on mine. No more lips brushing erotically against mine. No more teasing.
And this kiss blew the other out of the water.
This kiss took hold of me in a chokehold, threatened to devour me whole. This kiss I felt in my core, from my toes to my fingers. Elias kissed me like a man eating his last meal, eager and hungry and ravenous. Everything I was, I lost to that kiss.
I moaned into the kiss, wanting to do the same to him. Devour him. Ravish him. Get lost in his darkness and let him see mine. We might not be the same, but we were alike in ways other people would never understand. Maybe, just maybe Elias had a bit of the rot in him, too.