Page 44 of Slay Bells Ring
“I guess Maria’s son is having a hard time at school. The kid failed algebra. Algebra. Isn’t that, like, the easiest math ever? It’s just equations and stuff, right?” I talk with my mouth full, not caring if it’s not ladylike. We’ve seen each other at our worst; I don’t think me speaking with a full mouth will make him suddenly find me disgusting.
Kane shrugs. “Math is difficult for some people.”
“Mm. I guess so.” I offer him a fry, and he takes it without a word. “Any gossip from the guys?”
Kane chuckles. “Guys don’t gossip.”
“Oh, they do. They definitely do. You just don’t think they do because you’re one of them and gossiping is seen as a thing girls do. Newsflash: guys do it, too. Everybodydoes. Besides, knowing everybody’s business is one of the fun things about living in a town like this.”
“Yeah? That also means everyone knows your business, too.”
I grin as I whisper, “I guess it’s a good thing our life-or-death business is long over then, huh?”
Our house is a small cabin on the outskirts of town with a driveway long enough we don’t see or hear any of our neighbors. It’s nice. It’s quiet. I like it a lot. We pull into the carport after a fifteen-minute drive and Kane grabs the bag from my lap before he gets out. If I’m left with the bag, I tend to drop it while trying to hold it as I get out of the truck.
I’m short. It’s a struggle, okay?
We take off our coats and our boots once we’re inside. Kane grabs the plates while I get us drinks, and we’re sitting on the couch before the TV within the minute. We eat in silence, but it’s not one of those uncomfortable silences. I feel, as strange as it is, at peace. I’m where I’m supposed to be here, with Kane.
Soon enough Kane’s large frame is sprawled out on the couch under me, and I’m curled up on his chest. His arms encircle me, holding me tightly with muscles I could never escape from even if I try.
I don’t try, though. Somehow, someway, I fell in love with his man, and I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else. We have a life here, yes, a life I love and adore, but… there is one thing missing.
I want Kane to be my husband. I want to marry this man.
It’s not something that’s come out of the blue. I’ve thought about it a lot lately. I’ve never been one of thosegirls whose only dream is to get married—the only thing I wanted for years was revenge. But now that that’s done, I’ve had a lot of time to think, and all of my thoughts end up circling back to Kane.
How much I need him. How I adore him. How he’s the reason I’m still here.
I angle my head up and stare at him from where I’m positioned on his chest, and he responds by pulling me up to his face and kissing me hard. His short beard scratches my chin, but I don’t mind. I got used to it.
I could easily lose myself in his kisses, but there’s something I want to say, so I pull my mouth off his and whisper, “You want to get married?”
“What?” I’m pretty sure I detect a hint of alarm in his deep voice, and he responds by pushing me off him and sitting up. I scoot off his lap and let him get to his feet, watching as he paces the area in front of the couch. “You—I can’t fucking believe this.”
“Uh,” I deadpan, “not the reaction I expected, I have to say.”
Kane suddenly stops pacing, and he kneels before me. “That’s not… I didn’t mean it like that, little killer. I just meant—once again, you beat me to the punchline.” He reaches into his pants’ pocket and pulls out the last thing I thought I’d see.
A ring.
A beautiful, sparkly ring.
My breath catches. “What—you were keeping that in yourpocket?”Just a ring, no box. What an absolute psycho.
“I’ve had it for a while,” he whispers, holding the ring a few inches above my knees. “I planned on proposing onChristmas, but you went and screwed that plan up. Shouldn’t surprise me—that’s what you’re good at.” A corner of his mouth slowly tugs into a smirk.
My mind spins as I realize this man was thinking of proposing practically this whole time. Wow. We really are on the same wavelength, aren’t we?
“So, since you hijacked it, might as well make it official now, hmm? I love you, and I can’t imagine my life without you. I was a dead man three years ago, and then you stumbled into my life and turned it upside-down… but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Will you marry me, Holly fucking Cooper?”
His smirk grows into a full-blown smile when he says my name like that; it’s the way he used to say my name when we first met, when my only goal was killing him, not loving him.
Even though I asked him before, my words refuse to come, and all I can do is nod and hold out my hand—my trembling hand. Silly me for being so excited I’m nervous at the same time.
Kane grabs my hand before he pushes the ring onto my left ring finger, and I don’t know why, but I gasp and say, “It fits perfectly.” I divide my time between staring at Kane and staring at the gorgeous ring.
He brings his face to mine and whispers, “Did you expect anything less? Now—” In the next moment, he picks me up and starts to carry me away from the couch. Into the hall we go, toward the bedroom. “—let’s celebrate, shall we?”