Page 10 of Repossess My Heart

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Page 10 of Repossess My Heart

To her.

My face.

Never once did her eyes cease to look utterly lifeless.

It’s been three days since I was summoned back to the Officials, three days I’ve ignored them all to linger outside her apartment, watch her work. Follow, stalk every dull moment of her life. But it’s not been dull, has it? Especially not since I gained access to the devices in her house, choking my dick purple to the grainy image of her in the shower. She’s a problem and by sheer brutal force, she’ll be a problem I’ll fix. I haven’t wanted to collect a pair of eyes this badly since the very first time. That’s what this is.

All this is.

Her eyes are too lifeless. They need to be perfect. Scared.

The sound of the back door to the club flying open rips me from my musings as her blue outline bursts into the narrow alleyway behind the club, two bots and her boss bellowing out behind her. Barking commands my little sweetling ignores. I clear my vision from the hazy blue as I jerk my suit back on. All the while setting my drone to track her signature, one it's very familiar with by now. Her bare feet slap against the pavement as she runs.

“Get the fucking bitch!” Her boss yells so loud his voice breaks as if he’s fresh into puberty. My brows pull together as the bots double their speed, knowing she won’t last long. I clench my teeth as an unwarranted feeling of… ownership, possessiveness floods my veins with adrenaline. Like he’s carving stone with some of my favorite knives. Maybe this is what she needed, another good chase to breathe some life into her eyes.

“I knew you were wanted; I’d have turned you over sooner if I’d known how much they’d pay for you!” He yells cackling out a laugh as he quickly loses speed behind them. He’s soon the only one left in the narrow stretch of alley as Reverie launches herself over a half wall, tumbling down the steep embankment on the other side. One that holds runoff from the nearby factory. I don’t bother pulling up the view of her, not yet. Sending off a silent signal to place my drone in defense mode, stipulation?

Critical interference only. I need her scared, after all. She’ll look just as good bruised and bloody.

I roll my neck, cracking it before I jump, landing loudly behind her boss as I scan his identifying chip. The hand that was dialing an Official narc number loses grip on the phone, making it crack satisfyingly on the pavement.

“Fuck! You scared the piss out of me.” He laughs nervously, bending to pick up his phone before my boot slams down on top of it, blocking his hand. His shaky breath leaves him as he straightens. “I was just about to call for one of you guys. There’s a girl here. I have reason to believe she’s worth a lot. Dead, that is, but I’m sure you already know that.” He fumbles his words, like all vermin when they see us.

Except her…

“What you mean is you illegally accessed encrypted files held by Officials.” I state bluntly that red mist bleeding around the edges of my vision again. The pupils of his bright green eyes shrink as he takes a step back, so lost to his own wonderful fear, he doesn’t notice the blade I’ve produced. The gears in my arm tighten as I slice upward, doing exactly as I vowed earlier. It’s always interesting to watch the way their insides pour from their wounds with openings this big. It’s wasteful really, opening them up like this but he feels different from the others.

It feels… personal, like he’s done something to me. I rarely have time for pointless murder these days. This is nice.

I flick my wrist as he crumbles sending a line of blood splattering across the alley before I turn towards my drone finally pulling up my view of a very…dryReverie as she scrambles back over the far side of the half wall and unknowingly straight into the waiting hands of a bot that has no clue their owner is no longer alive to receive her. The sound of my boots echoes down the alley as one of them grips the base of her neck jerking her over the side like an overcooked noodle. A yelp leaves her as she collides jarringly with the ground. One bot is still working its way up the embankment, dripping toxic ooze.


I roll back the footage as I near them, pausing against the outer wall of a building nearby. My vision fills with the recording, watching Reverie haul herself over the wall, her lips part in a silent gasp as she falls. A bot follows her over seconds later as she flattens herself, pressing her body flush against the embankment wall. Narrowly missing being tangled in a tumbling mess of robot as it hits the water.

Clever little sweetling.

I fill my lungs to capacity as I take off at a dead run. Bots are a pain to take down. Blades are ineffective, so it’s time to improvise. The bot's head snaps up as I kick off the half wall, wrapping my legs around the thick base that serves as its neck before wrenching backwards. The sound of grinding metal and metallic clanks grinds on my nerves as it blindly slaps at me. My muscles strain as I jerk, bracing myself for the harsh bite of the pavement as its head pops free from the base. Sending me and the now worthless heavy hunk of metal down quickly. My breath is knocked out of me but I shake it off quickly, no resting on the job and all that.

“What the fuck?” Reverie breathes out, panting as I push off the ground jumping to my feet. The gray featureless head still in my hands as she bows over, bracing herself on her knees. I give her precious few seconds to recover before propping the head up in my hand, brandishing it proudly. Showcasing what I’ve just decided to hit her with. Her long hair a tangled mess around her breasts, the small lace and metal link top giving peaks of her taut nipples with every breath. When she finally straightens, I expect her to take a step back, but she’s rooted to the spot, her feet bloodied and cut from rock. Those empty eyes gazing on me like I’m the fucking answer to every question she’s ever asked.

It’s disgusting and fuck, I’m hard.

“Nine?” She breathes out, wiping at the sweat on her brow. Sweat I plan to taste shortly, perhaps as her throat gurgles, her lungs filling with blood. Maybe not though, I like the way she said my name. She’ll scream it by the time I’m done with her.

I pull back my arm, a sick smile spreading behind my mask. “Run.”

Her eyes flick to the head before she lowers her eyes to the ground. More tension leaving her, only adding to my frustration. “Is that what you need… to kill me?”

“It’s a start.”Fucking weirdo.

I don’t give her a second to make the decision to question me more before I launch it, my patience worn razor thin. She’s half turned in what I assume is an all too late attempt at compliance when it connects with her back, making a stunted scream burst from her as she’s knocked roughly into the pavement. Ahumphsound comes from the pretty bronzed skinned enigma on the ground and for a moment I regret stopping her right off the bat. As badly as I want her to run, want the chase… I want to be on her even more. My mind, even my recordings of her have failed to recreate the way she felt between my legs on that rooftop. She hisses as I flip her over, using the toe of my boot. Her umber eyes filled with pain…

Not fear.

It’s a start, I guess.


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