Page 40 of Repossess My Heart
“Nine… why did you take her eyes?”
I release a shuddering breath as my skin flushes with the need to vomit. “I-I tried to carry her out, but I couldn’t. I knew I had to leave… they took your body… I thought-“
“Why did you do it?” He interrupts, his long bloodied hair brushing my face as he scoots closer on the rack.
“I wanted to keep a part of her, my favorite part. Her eyes were always so kind, even when they were sad.”
“But mine were-“
The world comes back slowly. I’m vaguely aware of my drone tending to her wounds, salving bruises and injecting her with meds to ease the pain. Working silently on orders my mind gave before I knew I wanted to. I force her words from my mind, knowing they were said in anger because I’m an irredeemable cunt, not because she actually wants Ten to kill me. Which is a very real possibility tomorrow. Either way, the look in her eyes after I’d ordered the drone to knock her out nicked something deep inside me. There wassomethingthere. Something hurt. It was beautiful and fleeting. Between that and watching those fucks at the brothel lusting after her, something inside me has been altered. Myfeelings-
“Medical stores are low, there are no updated docks available. Your nanobots kept the pod free from spyware, but there were attempts recently at an installation.”
“Thank you.”
“Should I restart the water, Nine?”
“Would you like me to erase that from recent memory?”
I adjust Reverie in my arms, her warm skin sweaty where it meets mine. “No.”
“A reminder all security access is set to open for the woman’s biological signature as well as command controls. Should I reinstate secure operations?”
I groan as I work my way to my feet, my bot having undressed her while I was showering. My eyes trace the number I cut into her stomach. “Leave it open.”
My own limbs feel heavy, cumbersome even as I carry her into the shower. Propping her up long enough to undress myself before I slip back underneath her, letting the steamy spray hit us. My hands travel over her soft skin, noting every artery, every incision I could make and what it could give me access to. Her heart is worthless, but her other organs and certain transferable bones are fine. Healthy even. Aside from her spine. I work my hand over her neck, massaging the soap there before trailing it over each notch in her spine. Noting the vertebrae in my head as if pretending I have some medical reason to be doing this would mean I don’t just desire to touch her. Feel every inch of her body, memorize it like I have my blades. I know every groove of the handle, every microscopic scratch in the metal. I need to know Reverie like that. Working my fingers slowly to the base of her spine, my fingers assessing the foreign tech there. One that will eventually break down, poisoning her blood. Bot tech that wasn’t made for human bodies, and an expensive one at that. One well made enough to keep out every scan I attempt at the contents. It must’ve been excruciating for her when the nanobots worked over her nervous system, crawling inside a human mind.
No wonder she’s fucked up. It’s not all too different from what they do to the Migs.
I wash her thoroughly, savoring each rise and fall of her chest. I get the first melancholy boner of my life as I explore her sleeping form. Knowing one day I’ll be the one to take that breath from her. It’ll be bittersweet, but I’ll keep my promise. My tech flicks on with a brief flash as I record her, using up memory stores capturing her wet, sleeping form. The way the water droplets splash off her breasts, running rivers along the angry raised scar. I take my time and when I carry her to bed; I vow it will be the last time I touch her with kindness.
The best lies are the ones we tell ourselves in the dark. The ones we mean with only the best intentions, the ones daylight knows we’ll never keep.
These Things by She Wants Revenge
When my mind becomes mine again, it's drawn out of its hiding hole by indescribable pleasure. I arch my back from the soft, warm place it’s pressed against as my legs are heaved upwards. My heels digging into a toned muscular back as something wet and warm laps at my clit, savoring it. Lavishing it in all the attention it's needed since the day he-
My eyes snap open, squinting against the dim light, and quickly find a mop of pale hair between my legs before chilling blue eyes peek up at me, pinning me in place. Robbing me of my autonomy. His tongue dives into my core, curling up to lap and tease that special place he found inside me. All the while, those terrible, glacier eyes never look away.
I gasp before he can take my words from me again. “If this is your version of an apology, I don’t fucking accept.” I’m angry, very much so, but my own voice sounds weak, even to me.
He chuckles against me, the sound sending off vibrations that have my mouth gaping before he bites down on my bud forcing a scream from me as light erupts from behind my eyes. I hadn’t even realized I’d closed them. My head lolls to the side as he mumbles against my sex. “Do I look like the kind of man that apologizes?” I frown, noting that the very real edge of betrayal had stayed nested deep in my chest.
Nothing stays but not even the haze of drugs took this.
“Pay attention to me.” He growls before his hand reaches up and rolls my nipple. It’s nearly impossible to disobey him like this. I’m already whimpering as I toss my head to the side. Determined to ignore the omen between my legs. My eyes widen as they zero in on the bedside table, my pulse fluttering as an idea takes hold, a dangerous one. He doesn’t stop me as my hand jerks out, gripping the silver handle of the razor-sharp blade. His tongue never stops its assault as I jerk it to the side of his neck.