Page 80 of Repossess My Heart
She must read the heat in my eyes, rolling hers. All the while my little sweetling presses her thighs together tightly, “Only you could get an erection when you’re about to give me a series of painful injections.” She admonished, but there’s amusement there too. I don’t deny it. There’s no hiding the tent in my pants.
When she takes a deep breath, leaning her head back against the table, I bend, kissing her temple gently. “Ready baby?”
“No, they hurt.”
I pause, pulling on latex free gloves because apparently the little freak is allergic. “Hmmm.”
My newly repaired mechanical hand whirls, reminding me I need to tweak the gears as I stride towards the suite door. Locking it..
“No, no kinky bullshit. There’s literally hundreds of people here for these injections today alone and you already upset the doctor.”
“That was her fault for hovering. You’re mine. I see no reason anyone but me should oversee your medical care.”
She frowns, lifting on her elbows, “What if I want to see the doctor about… you know,privatethings?”
I tamp down on the insta-rage, “You have noprivatethings from me.”
The huff she lets out disburses her newly cut bangs. “You’re infuriating.”
“I love you too.”
A small smile is all she gives me as she shakes her head, leaning it back and closing her eyes again. I stalk towards the table, adjusting my cock with my ungloved hand so it’s not pressing against my zipper so fucking hard. It barely helps. I’m in a perpetual state of rock hard around her, but it keeps Six away.
Her hands are clutching her thighs until her knuckles are white. When I jerk up the hem of that tiny fucking dress she’s wearing, they leave her thighs and I glare at the red marks she left behind. “My skin.” I growl.
“I said no, Nathan.” She covers herself. From me…
No, I don’t think you will.
I smirk, wrenching her hands away. “I don’t care.”
When I part her legs, I stare at the wet spot on her underwear. “Slut.”
Our laughter fills the room before hers is stopped abruptly, my mechanical hand set to vibrate on its medium setting. Her eyes widen on mine. “It vibrates?”
“I told you I’d been tinkering with it.”
Soon her loud moans fill the room. She quickly slaps a hand over her mouth as I glare down at her. She’s lost to the pleasure by the time I’m allowing the medical drone to sanitize her skin. Her back arching when I stick her with the first injection. Her muffled mewling cut off in a little hiccup and I wait to see how much she liked it. When her free hand releases her thigh and grasps her breast, I don’t bother to hide my smirk.
She’s fucking perfect, we’re fucking perfect.
When I manage to wrestle myself from the long nap I always desperately need after the injections, I feel energized. Better than I think I ever have, no doubt in part due to the mind-numbing orgasms he gave me earlier. By the time I shower and make my way down the hall, I find myself back at the guest room door staring at it for so long my eyes go unfocused on the off-color door we’ve neglected to paint. Where there used to be screams of horror, sobs and pleading, there’s now only shallow breathing. My hair falls forward as I peek around the corner, looking out onto the sand dotted porch where Nathan sits. His pale hair nearly glowing in the sun as he tinkers with his arm. With all the advanced shit they were hiding up here, I can’t understand why he insists on doing it himself. When I look away, I realize I’m smiling, the kind that hurts your cheeks. The kind you feel in your heart and all the way down to your bones.
I almost don’t do it. Above knows I’ve been caught and steered away so many times by him, but he’s lost to the world. His brows knotted together, his lip between his teeth. The arousal flooded into my core is quickly wiped away when I toss the door open, staring at the man that looks so much like his son laid propped up on the bed. He flinches when the door opens, light hitting him for the first time in I don’t know how long. This isn’t my place. When I ask Nathan why he’s keeping him here, he only gets growly, insisting he has his reasons. That he hasn’t suffered enough.
“You’ll get in trouble.”
“Nathan doesn’t control me.”
The man scoffs, his eyes always far away now. When his tears begin, his shallow breathing becomes soft cries.
“Why try to pull us out?”