Page 13 of Bathed in Blood
My eyes follow the trickle of blood as it weaves a new path down her forehead, my frown deepening as I count every bruise on her delicate face now washed clean from the heavy makeup that caked it earlier. I had imagined what lay under the mask countless times out of sheer boredom or horniness, but I’d never gotten close. The idea alone of something so delicate being capable of such intense cruelty has my dick springing to life.
The Blood Princess, a legend who dominated the snuff world in less than a year, consumed it entirely in the four she was active. The woman is personally responsible for five hundredand three deaths of the most unhinged nature. Watchers empty their life savings for a spot on her docket, a ticket to the show. The Vanegas family, known online as Venance Vanegas, went from the top dog to the half dead one you buy from the pound because the owner guilt tripped you into it.
“Christian? Your father has—”
“I’m sending you my location. Bring a car and,“ I glare at my car, “probably a tow truck, a mechanic. Just get here and ensure Dr. Lamaison is on standby at the compound.”
“Don’t inform my family—”
“Jesse is standing in front of me, sir.”
“You are a ball sucking cuckold, Kallen.”
I hang up, sending my encrypted location his way before again shutting off my phone. The princess,Lana, groans in my arms as I awkwardly lower myself half into the passenger seat, rooting around in the center console for something. Her pretty, honey-colored eyes flutter open the second I plunge the needle into her upper arm, and her gasp lodges in her throat as she tries to lurch from my grip. My arms tighten around her hand, knocking the needle from mine, and I scowl as it flips through the early morning air down the embankment, every thrash adding to the throb and burn of my wounds.
Her full lips gape, and I can feel her scream before she forms it. I clasp my hand over her mouth. “Can’t have you drawing attention to yourself.”
She doubles down on drawing attention to herself.
Her elbow connects roughly with the underside of my chin, giving her just enough time to wiggle worm free from my arms. She stumbles, like she wasn’t ready for the weight of her own body, as she bolts for the road. The throbbing in my chin is no more than an annoyance as I watch her head back in the direction of the mansion. Based on all the trials I ran, theSullivans pay-to-play security is just as lackluster as it was all the other times I set off the alarm in the past few months: nowhere to be seen. Even then, I can’t risk her meltdown.
She’s panting down the middle of the desolate highway, her steps already growing uneven. I can see her breath in the chilled air, the shaking in her limbs. Her red braid could barely be considered one at this point. Her rounded ass jiggles as she stumbles, righting herself by sheer luck as she fights gravity. The drugs are quickly taking their effect; I didn’t account for her loss of weight. I don’t chase her down, tackle her or stop her attempt to flee. It’s much more interesting watching her hobble away from me. She just keeps going, her corseted breasts heaving with each pant. She knows I’m behind her now, close enough to reach out and touch her goose bump adorned skin. To lean down and lick it if I had the time to.
I decide to make time.
My mouth waters at the thought, my hair falling into my face as I lean forward, my tongue darting out to capture a bead of the sweat on the back of her slender neck.
“Lewis.” She whimpers, her knees finally giving out from underneath her.
I swear I meant to let her hit the roadway; I really did.
But I caught her instead.
I also swear I’m unbothered by the unfamiliar name on her lips.
Entirely unfucking bothered.
Her pretty wide eyes flutter as I grip her chin, forcing her face towards mine. “The name is Christian princess. I’ll let that little slip up go this time considering your current condition.”
She makes a sleepy, indignant noise in the back of her throat, right before she spits on me.
I wait for the rage, for my fingers to let loose their hold on her chin and slip towards her neck. I wait for the overwhelmingdesire to throttle the ever-loving piss out of her. My cock jerks instead. She’s fighting the drugs, her eyes fluttering closed only to be snapped open again. So delicate and small cradled into my chest; her legs bent underneath her in a kneel. I release her chin to wipe at the spit on my face, promptly licking my fingers free from it.
She shudders, this time not fighting it when she closes her eyes, I pry her full lips apart. Giving her spit back to her, and a little of mine. She cries out, gagging on my fingers just as a pair of headlights illuminate behind us.
Her teeth score my fingers as I withdraw them, her head lolling as she finally succumbs. My muscles strain as I clutch her. Deciding with direction is the quickest to make it back to the weapons in my car without having to release my hold on her.
LED headlights nearly blind me as Kallen’s huge frame jumps out of the rolling SUV. Three others from the trail car following suit. My body is wrought with tenson and exhaustion, my groan loud as I stand. Shooting daggers at the nameless fuck that seems all too ready to wrench her from my arms, “Attempt to remove something from my arms that I have not offered to you again and I’ll crack open your fucking skull and send the video to your mother.”
He bristles, his eyes taking her in before giving me a curt nod. “Sir.”
I decide to definitely do that, later.
After a nap.