Page 1 of Jilted By Jack Frost
Chapter one
As the snow collects on the ground outside, the only thing I’m thinking about is that I would rather perform my own brain surgery than stay even a minute past my shift.
Seeing as I’m a nurse andnota neurosurgeon, my chances at survival are far slimmer than one might think.
I miss my memory foam mattress. And when I finally clock out in five hours, I’m not going to spend the night on a hospital bed. I don’t care if I have to walk home through six feet of snow to get there. I’m leaving, but I need snow pants, stat.
Alana shoves a white cheddar flavored chip in her mouth and sighs. “Looks like the snow is sticking.”
“As it always does in Salida,” I mutter. This time of year, any Colorado snow was bound to stick. Normally, I love snow. I love how it’s beautiful, cold, pure, and I love how it gives me an excuse to not get to work if I’m stuck at home.
What I don’t love, however, is that it looks like I will now be stuck at work instead.
“It’s supposed to be a blizzard,” Alana adds. “Worst we’ve seen in years, according to Chief.”
“Is he a meteorologist now?” I ask, turning to look at her with an amused smile on my face.
She laughs and shakes her head. “No. But his sister is.”
Oh. Great.
“How much begging do you think I’d have to do to go home early?” I ask Alana, stealing a chip out of her bag and tossing it into my mouth.
“Let’s see,” Alana says, tapping her chin. Then she counts off each point she makes on her fingers. “We’re already severely understaffed on a good day. Lilah is out on maternity leave. There’s a literal blizzard forecasted, which means there’s going to be an influx of car accidents and likely some dumbass farmers with frostbite.”
My expression morphs into one of devastation. “So… unlikely, then?”
“You’re more likely to get cuffed to the reception desk than you are to be allowed to go home, Vi.”
I grimace.
“Oh, come on. This is what we signed up for, right? We wanted to help people. That’s exactly what we’ll be doing tonight.”
She’s right. I came into this job because I wanted to help people. I loved the idea of clocking into the work and spending twelve hours doing nothing but offering everything I have to anyone who needs it.
But I also can’t ignore the way I feel—like this job might not be enough for me anymore. And God, do I feel guilty about that. Really, I do. I hate that giving my all to anyone who steps inside this hospital isn’t… fulfilling anymore. This used to be everything I ever wanted. Even in middle school, Alana and I knew that this was what we wanted.
So why do I feel like I need more than this? Being a nurse was everything I’ve ever wanted, even a year ago. But that’s changed. Or maybe I’m what’s changed.
It’s not that I’m not happy, because I am. I get to go to work and be the person who puts a smile on the faces of those who desperately need it, and I get to do it with my best friend.
But I know, deep in my heart, that there’s more out there. I know that there’s more to this world than this town where I’ve spent most of my life. I know I want to be a part of something more.
I just don’t know if I ever will.
Pasting on a smile, I nod. “Yeah, you’re right. But I sure will miss my flannel sheets.”
Alana grins. “Just five more hours.”
“Fine,” I say. “But you’ve got to go change Mrs. Bradford’s bedpan after lunch.”
She makes a face and huffs out a breath. “You always make me do bedpans when we’re on shift together.”
I smile cheekily and bat my lashes. “That’s because I have seniority.”
“You were hereonemonth before me, Violet Jones.”