Page 30 of Beautiful Noise
Sleeping with Ezren was perfection but it was also not why I was here. I couldn’t allow myself to get distracted any more than I had already. Enjoying one last peek, I then hurried up the stairs to my room to shower and dress.
By noon, I was pretty much done cleaning the entire house, although I skipped Ezren’s room. Speaking of, I hadn’t seen him since I crept out of the basement, but he’d been heavy on my mind.
The things he shared aboutStoned Heartand how it was connected to his father had me emotionally spent. I could imagine how many people had assumed the same as I had. The lyrics were inspired by a broken heart, and they had been, only not in the way I assumed. His heart had been broken by the loss of someone who meant the world to him.
Last night he was vulnerable. He shared a piece of himself I was willing to bet he’d never shared with anyone else. The sex it inspired was beautiful, emotional, and intense.
I froze as a thought seeped into my awareness. Did he…
What we shared had nothing to do with him using me, searching for inspiration for his next platinum hit.
I wanted to believe that last night was just a mutually needed connection of two people needing an escape.
But I couldn’t completely ignore the wary feeling that settled into the pit of my stomach.
Either way, what did it matter? It was a one-time thing. The man clearly admitted to never being in love and never having been in a relationship. It wasn’t as if one night would totally rewire the guy.
And why did I care?
It was just sex. Earth shattering sex, with world renowned orgasms I was sure I’d be chasing for the rest of my life, but still just sex nonetheless. My priorities were set in stone and they did not include an entanglement with a man like Ezrenorbeing another one of his disposable muses.
Save money.
Figure out my life.
Standing from my crouched position in the last guest room, I got back to cleaning. I lifted the empty mop bucket, taking it to the bathroom. Once I filled it with water and added the right mix of cleaning solution, I removed my phone from the waistband of my spandex shorts and unpaused the last playlist I’d been enjoying.
I grinned as Lauryn Hill’s “Ex-Factor” blasted in my ears while I plunged the microfiber mop into the blue tinted water seconds later.
Dancing along as I belted out the lyrics, I got lost in my own little world.
The muffled sound of my phone vibrating slowly eased me from a sated state of sleep. I groaned, trying to recall where I’d left the device.
Pants pocket.
I sluggishly lifted a hand with the intent of patting my pockets only for my open palm to make contact with skin. I wasn’t wearing pants.
Fuck! Pants!
Why wasn’t I wearing pants?
Clarity began to awaken in my mind at the same time my dick began to rise.
I groaned as a sudden urge to feel her, be inside her and hear my name whispered from her lips, heightened.