Page 90 of Beautiful Noise
“Okay, dear. I love you and please promise me you’ll give what we discussed some thought.”
She didn’t wait for me to respond before the call ended. I closed my eyes, feeling conflicted. I wanted my parents in my life, both of them, but I also loved the space I was in and refused to let anyone disrupt the happiness I was currently navigating. It felt good to choose me with no remorse or regrets.
I tossed my phone next to me and climbed out the bed, heading straight to the bathroom. Another layer to loving the space I was in was the man whose bed I slept in last night.Alone. After I made myself presentable, I made the decision to make sure he was okay. As much as I wanted to give him space, the distance was killing me.
Unfortunately my plans were once again paused by an intrusive mother, but one I didn’t mind so much. When I entered the living room and saw her face after she let herself in, she brought a smile to mine.
“Ah, so you’ve mastered the art of clothing since the last time we’ve seen each other.”
I grinned as she approached and hugged me. Her embrace was warm and welcoming. “I have.”
I glanced down at the tee that belonged to her son I’d paired with leggings. “I didn’t know you were coming.”
“I texted you both, but after the night you had, I figured you would be a bit distracted. Her eyes darted around then landed on me. “How is he?”
My stomach twisted and my hesitation caused Gwendolyn to release a sigh. “It’s okay. I know my son. He’s locked away in that studio avoiding whatever is going on in his head and heart.”
“I wanted to give him space.”
“You don’t owe me an explanation but I will say that I’ve learned from experience that space is not what works best for Ezren. I gave him space after we lost his father and he avoided his emotions for an entire year.”
“Right. I should probably…”
“You should, but first let’s talk. How are you?”
She was moving to the kitchen and as soon as she was there she began removing items from the refrigerator.
“I’m okay, what are you doing?”
“Making breakfast. It’s been a while since I’ve cooked for anyone and I’m guessing my role as house chef has been replaced. Let an old woman have her moment, yeah?”
I smiled and nodded. Gwendolyn was anything but old. She could pass for my older sister dressed in the cute athletic wear and running shoes she sported with her hair pulled back in a sleek ponytail.
“Sit. You can keep me company.”
“I can help.”
“Kori, sit.”
I huffed and did as told, waiting while she moved around the kitchen scrambling eggs and frying bacon.
“So, songwriter…” Her back was to me and I cringed at what she must be thinking.
“Yes and none of this was my idea…”
“I know, dear. I’m not accusing you of anything nor do I feel like you had intentions when it came to my son.” She delivered a grin over her shoulder. “Ihowever most certainly had intentions and they’ve delivered quite nicely I might add,” she stated proudly.
“You intended for me to be a songwriter?” I arched my brow and she laughed slightly.
“No, not at all. That was just a bonus but I’m sure you’re more than aware there was no way I could have known how this would play out. I had no clue of your proclivity with word mastery,Bleu. Although, it was a pleasantly surprising plot twist.”
I grinned and she added, “My intentions were for you to make my son realize that women with one name would not bring him the type of happiness you do and I also intended for you to figure out that sometimes the worst situations bring about the best results.”
“I’m still confused about how you decided I would make your son happy after a five-minute conversation.”
“I didn’t know for sure but I had a gut feeling. I have a sixth sense about these things, you know.” After a brief stretch of silence, I switched the conversation off me.
“Ezren told me about your family and how things happened with his father.”