Page 94 of Beautiful Noise
Once Kori learned that no matter how good our lives were, the world would spin things, creating bullshit stories that fit their agenda, she didn’t care so much about their opinions. We collectively made the decision to let them have it. Our lives wereprivate and would remain private. Robbi was going to be fucking pissed after this interview ended.
After I embraced Robbi in a cordial hug, I took my seat and waited for the countdown to announce we were live. Robbi flashed a brilliant smile and did her spiel about how great it was to have me and how amazing my performance was before she began.
“Man, it feels like I’ve struck gold having you on today.”
I chuckled and casually angled my head to the side. “Yeah, why is that?”
“You’re a hard man to find these days.”
“Am I though? I’ve been around and very visible.”
She smiled smugly. “Visible and accessible are two different things.”
“Yeah… I guess so.” I tugged at my beard, offering a smile, knowing what she was getting at.
“I hope you’re ready because I have a long list of questions for you. We need answers.” She turned to the camera. “And I plan to be the first to get the exclusives.”
Good fucking luck.
“So you and Kori…” She left it lingering, expecting me to bite. I didn’t. After a long pause she added, “Are you officially off the market?”
“I am.”
I would never deny my claim to the woman who changed my entire world, but I also wouldn’t give intimate details of how or why.
She slowly raised her brow. “And what about the rumors of you and Shalay?”
“There are rumors?”
She frowned, then smiled widely. “I’m sure you’ve heard? BeatMade Studios…a couple weeks ago. You and Shalay both being there.”
“Nah, I don’t know anything about that?”
She frowned again. “How about I refresh your memory…” She pointed to the screen behind us with two side by side images of me and Shalay entering the studio. Clearly, it was me. I didn’t hide my face but my head was down and I had a phone to my ear. My arms were exposed, showing my tattoos, and my beard was unmistakable. Still, I grinned and shrugged.
“Is that me?”
“Come on, Eccentric. Are you really going to play that game?”
I chuckled. “Nah, no games from me, ever… but I’m here to discuss my single and the upcoming release ofLove Changes.”
The pivot annoyed her so she tried again after smiling arrogantly. “Okay, let’s discussLove Changes. Can we assume from the title of the album and the debut single, ‘Whole’, that your inspiration only comes from one woman now?”
“You can assume whatever you want.”
“But Kori is the inspiration behind the album. Your only muse now?”
“She’s my onlyeverythingnow.”
“That means…”
“That my album drops next month.”
“You guys aren’t a secret; why not just give us something? Wouldn’t that be easier than letting the rumors fly?”
“I don’t care about rumors. They don’t move me one way or another. What I do care about is protecting mine and my lady’s peace. We share what we want, what we choose not to share exists only between us.”
She was annoyed as fuck but couldn’t react like she wanted because we were on live TV. Robbi was known for getting the insider information no one else could. I wasn’t helping her reputation but I didn’t care.