Page 22 of Fatal Attraction
“Are you free?” I asked, getting straight to the point. “We need to meet. This is important and it can’t wait.”
“Uh,” he started, and I could hear what sounded like him fumbling through some paperwork before he spoke again. “I’m currently going over Karl’s case and not really where I can leave the office at the moment. Can you come here?”
“Yeah. I’ll be there soon.” I hung up just to swear again when I met Carter’s gaze.
“You can take me back to the hotel if you have things to do. I don’t mind.”
I paused, torn with what I should do. Spike and Phoenix didn’t want me alone and to be frank, I could really use the company. But the likelihood Ben would agree to discuss Karl’s case with me if Carter tagged along was slim to none, plus, there was my home I had to consider. This bastard—whoever the fuck he was—knew where I lived and had somehowfound a way to sabotage my cameras undetected. They were operable now, but that didn’t mean this guy wouldn’t try to strike again or worse, break in.
“Would you mind staying here until I get back? It’s okay if you refuse, but—”
“You’re worried this guy may try something again.”
I nodded, not bothering to deny it.
“That’s fine, Charlotte.” Carter raised the gun up with a wicked grin on his face. “Whatever I can do to help.”
I heaved in a deep breath and knocked on Ben’s office door, blowing it out and leveling my spine when it opened. Looking his best in his brown leather suit and white button-down, his dark hair slicked back, Ben offered me a sad smile and then outstretched his arms, hugging me tight as he offered his condolences.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t stay for the whole service,” Ben said when we parted. “My boss has been riding my ass hard over Karl’s case, so I had to get back.”
He opened the door wider and let me in, shutting it as I took a seat. On Ben’s desk, resting right there in the center, was Karl’s case file.
“So,” Ben said, rushing over to close the file when he caught me gawking a little too hard at it. “What can I do for you, Charlotte?” He sat down, pushing the file aside and waiting patiently with his hands clasped and placed neatly on the center of the desk.
“Has Karl mentioned anything to you about receiving death threats?”
His brows crumpled. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, come on,” I incredulously scoffed. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
Ben sighed, then leaned back in his leather chair. “Yes. I know about them.”
“And?” I fished harder, not in the mood to beat around the bush. “Did you look into it?”
“I tried, but Kate’s parents told me to fuck off and that they’d see me in court. I’ve reached out several times since then, but they refuse to talk to me. I’ve done everything I can at this point.”
“Have you?” I challenged with a furious cock of my head. “And what exactly have youtriedto do for him, Ben?”
He returned my glare, his jaw ticking. “He told me about what happened the night he and Kate were in that horrific car accident. I went to the restaurant and asked to see the footage from the parking lot. The managers claimed the cameras were inoperable. If you don’t believe me, then you’re more than welcome to go there and speak with them yourself.”
“And was this before or after Karl was arrested for these other crimes?”
“Before,” he answered calmly, gently, the tightness in his eyes softening. “Right after Karl received word that Kate’s parents hired a private investigator. I’m not sure what it is you’re implying here, Charlotte, but I know how to do my job. I’ve done absolutely everything I can think of to help Karl, but I’m at a loss. I assume you’re aware the DNA results came back on the masks they found in his apartment?”
I nodded.
“We need a miracle,” Ben said desperately, fiercely. “I know in my heart he’s innocent, and I’m sorry to be so blunt, but without more proof to exonerate him, he’s fucked, Charlotte.”
“What if I were to try and talk to Kate’s parents?” I offered. “Do you think they’d talk to me?”
Ben raised his brows, pondering. “Honestly, I doubt it. But Katedoeshave a younger sister. Her name is Angel. Angel Seigler. I’ve reached out toher, but she won’t return my calls. I suspect her parents may be responsible for her silence.”
Huh. Karl never said anything about Kate having a younger sister.
I wonder why the hell he neglected to mention that to me.