Page 25 of Fatal Attraction
“I assume you’re here about the death threats,” her voice shook. “Am I right?”
I swallowed, my eyes widening as I nodded. “Ye-yes, I am. Karl told me he’d been receiving them, and that Kate was too. I didn’t believe him at first, but now that he’s been arrested for crimes I’m certain he didn’t commit, I decided it was time I find out the truth for myself.”
Angel nodded to that, tears leaking out the corners of her blue eyes. She opened the shoebox and then pulled out a photo of Kate and Karl holding each other, kissing.
“She really loved him,” she said again, sniffling. “A lot. Kate knew Karl was married to you, but she didn’t care. I… I’d called her a homewrecker. Told her what she was doing was wrong and that she had no businessfucking around with a married man. But she just wouldn’t listen to me. Kateneverlistened to me.”
“What can you tell me about their relationship? When did Kate start receiving death threats?”
“Honestly, there’s not much I can tell you. Kate never talked to me much about her relationship after I’d called her a homewrecker. All I really know is that for a while, they were fine. Kate was all happy and giddy when they were together. But then suddenly, about maybe a month before she died, Kate came home one night freaking the fuck out—”
“Wait,” I interrupted, apologizing. “Did she live here with you?”
“Yes, Kate and I shared this apartment together. Well, that night she came home freaking out… She was hysterical. I’d never seen my sister that way before. Ever.”
She plundered through the box and then fetched a sheet of computer paper with a message that looked like it was cut out from magazines and glued together to form a sentence. It read,Count your days with him, bitch.
“This is the first one she received. She told me she found it taped to her windshield when she was leaving work.”
“Did you know Karl was receiving them too?”
“Not at first, no. It wasn’t until she received the second one when she told me Karl had been receiving them too.”
She showed me the second threat that read,Say goodbye.
My body shook as I read both of them over and over again, my lips parted.
Oh my God… Karl really wasn’t bullshitting me.
“And when did Kate receive this one?”
“The same day she died. Kate told me Karl was taking her out to dinner so they could talk shit out and figure out their next move. I was under the impression they decided to skip town, because she’d texted me about an hour after Karl picked her up and said she wasn’t coming home. She told me to do whatever I wanted with her stuff, and she’d call when shecould. I’m not a detective or remotely close to it, but I’m not dumb—I can read between the lines. Those threats,” she said, swallowing hard as she closed her eyes, taking a moment to compose herself. “They may have been sent to my sister, but I don’t think they were directedatmy sister, if that makes sense. I do believe someone was stalking them, but the more I thought about it—and trust me, I’ve had a lot of time to think this through—I don’t believe they were out to harm Kate. I think whoever sent those threats intended to kill Karl and missed their mark, accidentally killing my sister instead.”
“Have you told your parents about this?” I asked, my mind racing.
“Of course I have. They don’t believe me. They’ve been in denial ever since Kate died. Now that Karl has been arrested, they don’t care about the lawsuit anymore. Hell, the PI they hired couldn’t find shit against Karl to help their case anyway.”
“Angel… Why are you telling me this?”
She scoffed, glaring at me like I was the most idiotic person she’d ever met. “Isn’t it obvious? It’s because I wholeheartedly believe he’s innocent. Karl’s been inside this apartment many times and I’ve gotten to know him quite well. I’m not trying to hurt your feelings, but he loved my sister. I know he did. They were absolutely crazy about each other. And if you don’t believe me about the texts, then I can show you proof. I still have the messages.”
“If that’s true, then you need to go to Ben. Show him and tell him everything.”
But all Angel could do was shake her head. “I-I can’t.”
“Yes,” I fiercely declared. “You can.”
“No, I can’t.”
“And why the hell not?”
“It’s my parents. Ben reached out to them the second Karl was arrested and told them everything about the rapes, and how he’s certain Karl’s being set up. Ben mentioned the death threats, and my parents flat outdenied knowing anything. My mom called me up and told me if I talked to Ben or gave himanythingthat could help free Karl, they’d stop helping me.”
Angel took off her left shoe, then her sock, exposing her foot, which was partially bent, her toes crooked and curled.
My lips parted.That explained the limp.
“I was born disabled. The government sends me a check every month, but it’s nowhere near enough to help cover rent and utilities. When Kate was here, she helped pay the bills. She helped take care of me. When she died, my parents gave me a small portion of her life insurance, which really wasn’t much—only a few grand to help keep me afloat for a few months. When that money was gone, they started paying the bills my disability couldn’t cover.”