Page 46 of Fatal Attraction
“I don’t know it, only that the guy goes by Augustus. He… Their crew is too new to the Pines. My club and I checked them out first thing when they arrived, and Augustus and his crew were friendly to us. Perhapstoo friendlygiven what I know now.”
I felt it when Crow bared his teeth.
“What will you do with Leo?”
“He’s a dead man.”
“No,” Phoenix protested, and I slightly turned my head to find him staggering over to us. He dropped to his knees in front of Crow’s face, his skin pale. “He has a family. I will not allow you to take him away from his daughter.”
“Then I’ll take his tongue,” he shot back, his body shaking against mine. “You know a betrayal like this cannot go unpunished.”
“You willnot,” growled Phoenix. “If you take his tongue, then I will turn every single one of us in for what happened tonight.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” Crow hissed.
“That’s where you’re wrong, Crow. I’m not the same Bonecrusher you once knew. I came here tonight because you know way too much about me, things that could land me in prison for the rest of my life. I upheld my end of the deal, and now it’s time for you to honor yours. Who is behind these attacks?”
“I don’t know,” he snarled, fighting harder against me. “All I know is that the guy is related to someone who has an immensely deep connection to law enforcement.”
“A name,” Phoenix growled again. “Give us a fucking name.”
“I don’t have one to give,” he chided, giving up and letting his limbs fall weightless against me. “But I can try to find out. Now that I know the Ravens are behind the drugs, I can do a little more digging into their background and their family members.”
“And how long will that take?” I asked.
Crow tried to shrug and failed. “I can’t give you a definitive answer on that.”
Phoenix scoffed, pissed as he pushed himself up and onto his feet. “You have seventy-two hours and not minute more.” To me, he said, “Come on. We have somewhere else we need to be.”
I released Crow, then shot to my feet, following behind Phoenix as he began stalking toward the car.
Phoenix and I paused, glaring ruthlessly over our shoulders at him.
“Welcome home, brother.”
Iexamined myself in the mirror, primping my curly hair and wiping the excess eyeliner smudged around the corners of my eyes, nodding with a toothy smile. I was wearing a tiny, sleeveless and lacy black dress which hugged tightly around my curves in all the right ways and halted just below the start of my thighs, revealing the matching lace hugged tightly around my plump ass. There was a deep slit in the middle to show off my cleavage which was pressed firmly together by my favorite pushup bra, and I’d chosen to wear my favorite matching heels, each strap twisting up each leg and tied in a perfect bow just below my knees. Not to toot my own horn here, butfuck—I looked hot. The guys were going to love it.
It was going on nine at night. Carter was already long gone to the club, having driven Blaire’s car after I’d taken him up to the precinct yesterday to retrieve it. Karl was being released soon and tonight was our only shot at catching my stalker, and I fucking prayed our plan worked.
If not…well…
I didn’t want to think about that right now.
I couldn’t.
I had to stay positive and believe this would work, so I raised my head high and walked out of my bathroom, down the staircase, and into my living room.
My purse was on the kitchen island, and after double checking I had my keys, I was out the door, rearming the security system and activating all cameras through my phone.
The drive to the club was smooth and easy, and after remembering the tips Carter had given me to discover if I was being followed, I sighed with relief, thankful the coast was clear as I pulled in and parked. As I gaped around, taking in the twenty-something cars scattered around, I frowned. I didn’t see Spike or Phoenix’s car anywhere.
I pulled out my phone then, sending off a text to Phoenix.