Page 68 of Fatal Attraction
“You’re going to get yourself killed!”
“I don’t care,” Karl snapped back at me, spit flying from his mouth. “I don’t care what happens to me. Charlotte and I may not be together anymore, but that doesn’t mean I stopped caring about her. She’s in trouble and needs help and—”
His voice cracked and for a moment there, he broke.
But then he drew in a deep breath, schooled his emotions, and then raised his head high despite the tears shimmering in his eyes.
“I want to help, Detectives.”
“You can go to Hell,” my partner sneered. “We don’t want or need your help and most importantly, we don’t have time for your bullshit.”
Phoenix was right. We didn’t have time for this, and we couldn’t waste what precious time we did have by standing around stuck in a ridiculous dick measuring contest.
“We’ve got it under control, Karl.”
“Do you?” he asked boldly, his head cocked as he glared outrageously between us. “Then where’s Charlotte? Why is the monster who took her still out there roaming the streets?”
I ground my teeth, straining not to fatally shatter his nasal bone or worse, catch a heinous charge by tying him to the car and dragging his ass across every inch of the hospital parking lot.
“Do you not get it?” Karl scoffed. “Standing by and doing nothing is precisely what cost Kate her life. I cannot allow that same thing to happen to Charlotte. I justcan’t. Let me help. Use me as fucking bait if you have to, just please,please, let me help.”
“And if we refuse?” challenged Phoenix.
Karl flashed him a cocky grin and then casually crossed his arms against his chest, perching back against my hood. “Then I guess we’ll be standing here all fucking day, because the only way to stop me from getting the answers I need is to kill me.”
“Just stay here,” I growled in blistering annoyance. “Don’t move.”
I turned and ambled over to Phoenix who was sizing Karl up with a malicious glint in his eyes, his jaw ticking.
“I say we shoot him,” he grumbled. “Or stick to your original plan and yeet his ass off a cliff.”
“I can hear you, you know,” Karl tiffed.
Phoenix’s mouth lifted enough to form a devilish smirk. “Too bad we can’t do either.”
“How do you want to play this?” We couldn’t let Karl near Carter, and since Karl had foolishly checked out of WITSEC, God only knew how fucking long he’d have until our perp caught wind of it and came after him. Charlotte was counting on us to find her and as much as it disgusted me to admit it, I knew she’d be heartbroken if something happened to Karl on our watch.
“It’s too big a risk,” I said while Phoenix continued contemplating. “He’s too unpredictable and—”
“So what are you suggesting?” he asked, albeit the answer was written visibly in his dark eyes. “Are you saying we bring him with us?”
“I…” I paused, cursing angrily under my breath as I shook my head. “I don’t really think we have a choice. Not unless one of us agrees to fall back and play babysitter.”
Phoenix raised his brows, chewing it over for a moment. “Wecouldcover more ground if we split up. But…” His voice lowered as he sighed, meeting my gaze. “I don’t know, man. It sounds like a good idea but the thought of splitting up puts a nasty feeling in my gut.”
“I agree.” The words tasted like vomit, but just in case this guy could be out here right now, watching us, it would be better if we all stuck together.Our perp had been lying extremely low since Charlotte’s disappearance but that didn’t necessarily mean his final act was complete. “And hey, even if shit does fall south, we can use Karl’s body as a shield.”
Phoenix rolled his eyes and as he shouldered past me, I had to bite back a chuckle when Karl’s nose wriggled as Phoenix got right up in his face.
“You can help. But you cannot, under any circumstances, leave our side. Any funny business, any at all, and—”
“There’s no need to threaten me, Detective. We’re on the same side.”
Phoenix made ahmphsound and stepped back, smirking. “Just get in the fucking car before I change my mind.”
Twenty Eight