Page 70 of Fatal Attraction
Karl didn’t speak at first, just opted to gnaw fretfully on his bottom lip. “If you’re referring to Chief and Captain Burgess, then no. They don’t know I left.”
I snorted, not the slightest bit shocked.
“Be real with us,” my partner requested. “Let’s say Phoenix hadn’t spotted you and you’d have made it inside the hospital to see Carter… What was your plan? What would you have done if he’d given you the information you wanted?”
“Honestly…” Karl stopped walking once we reached the entrance, sighing heavily as Spike opened the door for us. “I hadn’t exactly thought that through yet. I suppose I’d have taken whatever he’d given me and applied it with what I knew about Charlotte’s kidnapping, which, if I’m being honest, wasn’t much. Ben only gave me bits and pieces until you two filled me in. And FYI, your partner didn’t spot me. I kind of snuck up on him.”
I smirked. With the mood I was in, he was lucky I didn’t shoot him.
We made it through the front lobby, stepping aside as the elevator doors parted. When it was clear, we each stepped in and within less than a minute, we were on the correct floor. Thanks to Peter going around the Pines posting Charlotte’s picture with the precincts number printed on it, plus a thousand-dollar reward for whoever came forward with adequate information that could help us locate her and our perp, this place had become a madhouse. Phones were ringing off their hooks, and there were several aggravated officers darting from desk to desk answering them, putting most on hold.
“It’s been like this all week,” Spike said as we strode through the chaos, the captain’s office dead ahead.
Karl tapped my shoulder, stopping me as he pointed out Kendall dashing toward us with a look I was all too familiar with etched on her face.”
“Peter is in Captain Burgess’ office demanding to see you.” The urgency in her tone had my brows furrowing.
“What?” My eyes darted that way and sure enough, Peter was behind the glass, pacing as he spoke with the captain, stressfully fidgeting with his hands. “Why?”
Kendall lifted her shoulders. “I don’t know. Cap wouldn’t tell me. All I know is that he told me to contact you ASAP.” She then looked at Karl, curling her nose as she sized him up. “What ishedoing here? I thought he was in WITSEC.”
“He left,” Spike answered before Karl could retort. “It’s a long story, but that’s partly why we’re here. And hey, since you’re here, I need you to do something for me.”
“What is it?” she asked.
“Carter woke up last night.”
Kendall’s eyes lit up at the news.
“The guy we’re looking for is wearing a deer mask with antlers and golden flecks.”
“You’re shitting me,” she mumbled, her shoulders dropping. “I remember that guy!”
“You do?” I asked hopefully.
“Not specifically, no. I can’t remember what he looks like, but I remember that mask because I thought it was stunning.” She released a deep breath and scrubbed her hands down her pretty face. “Fuck, I’m an idiot!”
“He was talking with Felix that night,” I told her. “We need his address. He’s the best chance we have at finding Charlotte.”
Kendall straightened her spine and nodded. “Say no more. Keep watch on your phone. I’ll send you the address right away.”
“Kendall.” She froze when I grabbed her arm, facing me. It didn’t mean anything, nothing at all, but I leaned closer to her and pressed a soft kiss on her cheek. “Thank you.”
She cracked a weak smile, offering me a tight nod before she ran for the elevator.
“Don’t even fucking think about it,” Spike snapped when he caught Karl staring a little too hard at her retreating back. “She’s off limits to cheating scumbags like you.”
Karl rolled his eyes.
“She found out she was pregnant with Phoenix’s child and then ran away,” he snarled, getting up in his space. “She left him and aborted their baby without telling him she was pregnant.”
Karl raised his hands and then took a respectful step back, nodding like he understood, a frown on his face. “I’m sorry… I didn’t know.”
“Well, now you do. I shouldn’t even be explaining any of this to you but for your own good, don’t fucking do it. Just don’t.”
He must not have realized how hard his chest was heaving until I rested a hand against it, pushing him away from Karl.