Page 88 of Fatal Attraction
Their attention fell on me so fast that I had to quickly lie flat in the ditch, covering my head as shots fired off one after another, sending dirt and grass flying up into the air. As the gunfire ceased, I shot up like a rocket and aimed both guns, taking down two more men.
“CROW!” I moved like lightning, joining him and his comrades as they covered themselves, panting hard. “Am I fucking missing something here? Where are the others?”
“They should be—”
And just like that my question was answered when Crow peeked his head out through the right end of the truck, grinning. I spared a glance, watching in relief when the other half came storming in, their engines roaring and bullets flying.
Crow snatched me by the shoulder and slung me back beside him, saving my life as a bullet nipped the metal, missing me just in time.
“Thanks,” I whispered, my heart pounding harder as I gripped my guns tighter.
“Don’t mention it.” He turned to the Rebels beside him, telling them the Ravens were distracted and to handle the driver and help take out the rest. The Rebels nodded and then moved. There were so many shots flying through the air, I hadn’t a clue if they’d even made it.
“We’ve got it from here,” Crow said, shocking the hell out of me as he pulled me into a tight embrace, one hand brushing across the back of my head. “Our feud is settled, Bonecrusher. Thank you.”
“Crow, I—”
My words were cast out of me as he suddenly shoved me to the ground. Before I could react, gunshots stung my eardrums, and I screamed as Crowtook three bullets to the chest, falling to the pavement. The Raven settled his attention on me but luckily, by the grace of a fucking miracle, the gunclickedwhen he fired at me. I raised my guns high and let out a vicious roar as I pumped as much lead into the motherfucker as I could.
Sirens began wailing in the distance, mixing with the gunshots, and I ignored them both as I lunged over to Crow’s side, holding him tightly against me.
“Stay with me,” I said as I frantically searched for my phone, dialing 911. “This is Detective Phoenix Rhodes.” I fired off my badge number and then immediately demanded for the closest ambulance. “There’s a shootout between the Rolling Rebels and the Ravens. We have multiple casualties and are in desperate need of medical assistance.”
“Ph-Phoenix,” Crow rasped, tears dotting over his eyes as he weakly reached a shaky hand inside the top pocket on his biker jacket and pulled out a picture that was folded in half. “F-find th-them. Findher. Te-tell them I’m sorry. Te-tell th-them I love them.”
I took the picture and opened it, cursing when a smaller one of a beautiful young woman with auburn hair and stunning green eyes had fallen to the ground. The larger photo was of a group of five guys, plus the same girl. They were all together, smiling, happy. The date on the back of both was from well over twenty years ago.
“Francis,” he whispered, his tears slipping out and falling down his pale face. “Francis Lamour. Th-that’s what she goes by now. Fi-find her, Phoenix. Please—” He let out a shaky groan and squeezed his eyes shut, forcing them back open when I shook him, begging him to hang on. "T-T-Tel3l Kendra I lo-love her. Ta-take care of my baby girl. Sa-same with Ke-Kendall. Pr-promise me, Ph-Phoenix.”
“I promise.” My tears fell and landed against his jacket as his eyes began to flutter, his breathing ragged.
“Crow,” I cried, shaking my head as I pulled him close to me, not wanting to let go. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for everything. I-I never meant for you to hate me.”
“I-I never did,” he hoarsely whispered as I pulled back, staring into his glistening eyes. “I-I never hated you, Ph-Phoenix. You-you’ve always been my br-brother.”
His shaking hand reached up and cradled the side of my face. “I-I fo-forgive you. I—”
His eyes fluttered again before they shut, his head falling to the side against my forearm.
“NO!” I desperately shook him, begging him to wake up. “NO!”
“CROW!” a random voice shouted, and I began to sob, holding onto him tighter than ever. “CROW!”
A body appeared from the side of the truck, and my anger burned hotter than lava as my wet eyes lifted and locked with Detective Gibbs.
As I gently laid Crow’s body against the pavement, I shot to my feet and then inflicted a lethal uppercut against Gibb’s jaw.
It took Hammett and four other officers to get me off of him.