Page 90 of Fatal Attraction
First Blaire, and now him.
“Charlotte?” Spike burst into the room, panting hard with his hands on his knees. “Are you okay? I heard you screaming from down the hall.”
“Go away.” I turned on my side, wincing from the movement, not wanting to see him or anyone right now. “I want to be alone.”
“I know that, but—”
I silently wept harder, ignoring whatever Spike was saying as I struggled to level my breathing. I knew it wasn’t his fault Peter was gone. It was none of their faults.
But the pain…
Losing Peter was unbearable. I was just with him, talking to him. He was fine. Alive and—wait… Did Spike just say that my parents were here?
The door opened again, and as I painfully lifted myself up, my swollen eyes rounded in frank astonishment when a woman with long dark hair, dressed in a black button-down and dark jeans, walked in. Accompanying her was my father, and his thinning dark hair was in a wild mess like he’d been frantically tugging against it for hours on end. He wore a black shirt and khakis.
“Oh no,” I whispered under my breath.
Dad rushed forward, extra careful as he wrapped an arm around me and pressed multiple, fierce kisses against my temple, sobbing softly as he said, “Thank God you’re okay. We’ve been worried sick about you.”
“You were?” I asked, completely flummoxed by his reaction.
Mom remained standing beside Spike, swiping away the wetness glued to her cheeks. Once Dad stepped away to give her some room, she came forward and got down on her knees, grabbing my hands and kissing each one gently.
“We came as soon as we got the news they found you.” Mom’s jaw trembled as she stared up at me. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
“Spike?” My vision slid away from her to him.
“Yes, my love?” he answered hopefully.
Mom and Dad quickly shared a disturbed look before they glanced back at him, their brows raised high.
“Can you-uh, give us a minute?”
“Of course.” He hesitated at first, then sighed through his nose as he rounded to the other side of the bed long enough to tenderly grasp my face and press a sweet kiss against my mouth. “I’ll be right outside.”
“Let me know when Phoenix gets here.”
He nodded, kissing me again before he offered my parents a brief nod and left.
“Why are you here?”
“What?” Dad blinked at me like I’d asked a ridiculous question. “I know we may have had our fair share of disagreements in the past, but you’re still our daughter, Charlotte. You-you were kidnapped…beaten…fucking shot! Why wouldn’t we be here?”
“You’ll understand once you have kids of your own,” Mom muttered. “Ifyou ever have kids.”
“June,” Dad stated in a firm hiss. “Don’t start.” His wrinkles softened as he faced me again and asked, “Are you hungry? Would you like us to get you something to eat?”
I shook my head. “No, I’m not hungry.”
“Nonsense,” Mom spat as she rose to her feet, lifting a hand and gesturing to my small frame. “Look at you. You’re skin and fucking bones. You need to eat—”
“Fine,” I growled in annoyance, my jaw ticking. If it got her to shut the fuck up and leave me be, I’d eat. “Get me a cheeseburger and fries from the cafeteria.”
Mom smiled, seeming pleased, then spun on her heel and left the room. Dad let out a relieved sigh when she was gone.
“She’s been a fucking nightmare the whole way here,” he said as he grabbed the nearest chair and scooted it over, plopping down beside me. “Always complaining about everything she has no control over. I’m honestly sick of itandher.”