Page 96 of Fatal Attraction
The nurse paused outside the room, looking at my father first, then me. As much as I wasn’t looking forward to this, I nodded, crying harder when Dad rested a hand against my good shoulder and squeezed it, promising everything would be okay and that he’d be there for me no matter what.
As the door opened, I was gently pushed inside and greeted by a lady with black hair, blue eyes, and was dressed in black scrubs. With her assistance, I was cautiously guided out of the chair and painfully hefted up onto a makeshift bed. The technician threw a thick blanket over my lower body and then ordered me to scoot down as far as I could to the end of the bed and spread my legs as wide as possible.
Dad was beaming with excitement, rushing to pull up the closest chair he could find and plop it down next to me, his hand meeting mine a moment later.
“I’m right here, pumpkin. Just breathe and try to relax.”
That was easy for him to say. At the moment, all I could ponder over was Spike, Phoenix, and what their reactions would be once they find out. We’d never discussed having kids—hell, we hadn’t been together long enough for the thought to ever be considered. And the worst part was that between the two of them, I had no fucking clue who the father could be. Thanks to the shot, it had been an immensely long time since I had a period. What stumped me the most was that I hadn’t experienced any pregnancy symptoms either. No morning sickness, fatigue, cravings… Fuckingnothing.
“I’m ready,” I said through a sniffle.
The technician nodded and carefully lifted the blanket up after squirting some petroleum jelly on a large wand. She instructed me to breathe in deeply, and I let it out once the wand was inserted. She made a few adjustments before turning to the computer, making a few little clicks here and there with the mouse.
“You’re ranging a little over six weeks gestation,” she said after a moment, pressing a button that made what sounded like white noise fill the room.
And then I heard it… Fast little thumps from a heartbeat.
I turned my head toward my father and broke down sobbing.
“Oh my goodness,” the lady said in the softest whisper, which had me jerking my head at her fast, tears clinging to my lashes.
“What?” I rasped out. “Wh-what is it?”
“It’s no wonder your HCG levels are so high.” She paused, then turned the screen to me, revealing not one itty-bitty fetus, but another in its own separate amniotic sac. “Congratulations, Ms. Greene, you’re having fraternal twins.”
I could hardly process the information or develop any sort of reaction thanks to my dad rushing to his feet and excitingly pumping his fists in the air, a massive grin on his face.
“I’m going to be a grandpa.” He whispered it over and over, his smile unwavering. Then as he turned to me, taking in my puffy, saturated cheeks, he sat back down in his chair and cradled my face with both hands, kissing my forehead as his thumbs gently stroked my tears away. “I’m so happy for you, pumpkin.”
“I-I don’t know if I can do this, Daddy.” I weakly shook my head. “I-I’m not ready for this…”
“You’re going to do great, baby. I know it’s scary, but you have a whole support system around you who will help with whatever it is you may need.”
I nodded, knowing he meant it. “Is-uh… Are the babies okay?” I turned to the technician.
“They’re both perfect. Heartbeats are strong, and I don’t see anything going on inside your uterus to make me feel otherwise. I’ll get the word out to Dr. Samson so he can adjust your pain medication. The most important things now are to simply rest, recover, and to avoid any unnecessary stress.”
She left it and that and stood up, ripping off four small parchments from the machine. “These are for you.” She handed them over to me, and I took them, my bottom lip frantically wobbling. “Again, congratulations, Ms. Greene. I’ll let the nurse know that she can take you back to your room now.”
Dad helped me sit up and as much as I hated it, all I could do was cry as I gaped down at the pictures of my babies.
“It’s going to be okay, pumpkin.” He cupped the side of my face before leaning down to press another tender kiss to my forehead. “I promise.”
Forty Two
Hours beyond hours flew by. Stars filled the sky, and I was currently in my hospital room, sitting in a chair by the window with my injured arm wrapped tightly in a sling, glancing between the stars and the ultrasound pictures in my lap. Earlier, Dr. Samson and a few nurses paid me a visit, and after a few excruciating minutes of having to move my bad shoulder and arm around, they’d eventually got me in the sling. Carter paid me another visit, and before I could deliver the news about the babies, Harley, and worst of all, Karl, showed up, claiming they both were worried, and desperate to see me. I never told them anything. To be frank, I didn’t want anyone outside of Carter, Phoenix, Spike, and my father to know about the pregnancy, not until I could officially sit down with my guys and endure the aftermath.
Problem was, I hadn’t seen or heard from them since they left for the precinct. My phone was in evidence lock up, but they did have the number for the landline in my room.
It hadn’t rung.
Not once.
My eyes floated away from the window again, and I sighed as I brushed my fingers over the ultrasound photos, cracking a weak smile at the wordsBaby AandBaby B. “I’m sorry,” I whispered to them. “I know none of this is your fault, but this is the last thing I ever expected to happen.”
It was the truth. Knowing there were now two innocent babies in the picture made shit so much more complicated. I know itdidn’t have to be, that I was probably just overreacting out of my own fears and insecurities. But at the same time, it didn’t change the fact that this was all happening way too fast. With as long as Karl and I were together, yes—of fucking course—I’d have reacted differently. I was in a five-month sexual relationship and barely a full month into anofficialrelationship, whereas with Karl, he and I were together for over ten years. It was too soon, so painstakingly sudden, and would’ve never happened if I hadn’t been a fucking idiot and had forgotten my birth control appointment. How could I really believe the guys would be happy and accepting and not furious with me for making such a foolish mistake?