Page 58 of Trash the Dress
“Do you think I’m a slut because I slept with you that night? What kind of person does that make me? We didn’t know one another, not really. But that didn’t matter to me; I didn’t let you say no.” Her eyes are trained on the rolling hills behind me as the chilly wind catches her hair.
“Scarlett, look at me.”
She does, but her chin is tucked like she wants to hide.
“We fell into each other that night, sunshine. Even then, I could never say ‘no’ to you. After all that has happened since, I’m convinced that all the bad stuff we went through was meant to happen to us, because without it, I wouldn’t have you or our son. And a life without you is just surviving. It’s not living. You brought me back to life, Scarlett.”
I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear and draw her into my arms. “I think the storms we had to face paved the way for us.Because me and you, Scarlett, we’re endgame. I’m not going anywhere. You were meant for me, just like I was meant for you.”
A little sob escapes her throat, and I chase it away by kissing her lips. We break the kiss and go back into the house. She seems a little better as we settle in, so once she’s in the shower I call Brittney and explain what happened. She expresses her extreme displeasure with Eric the Dick, but quickly transforms from angry to asking what she can do to help.
“I was hoping you could tell me how to make her understand I’m all in. I’ve reassured her of my feelings and that I’m not going anywhere, but I know she’s still in her own head.”
She laughs. “I’m sorry for laughing but I wish I could’ve seen you punch him. He deserved it. Don’t give up on her, Z. You and I both know how it is when someone who was supposed to love you decided that ripping your heart out was better than protecting it. And it can heavily mess with you, even if you’re done with that person,” she says in a serious tone.
“She’s good for you, Zander. I’m so happy you found her.”
“Me too. She’s it for me. I know it. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make sure she knows that,” I tell her.
“Keep showing up for her. Keep reminding her. Don’t leave any room for doubt, and she will understand. The mind doesn’t always catch up as fast to what the heart already knows. Your heart knows her, so that means you know better than anyone what will reassure her.”
“Thanks, Britt. Give Luna a kiss for me and I guess you should probably tell Hawk I said hello. He doesn’t need to think I forgot about him,” I tell her, and I’m laughing this time.
“I swear. You two with your weird bromance. I’ll tell him. And, Zander…don’t worry. It’ll all work out,” she says before hanging up.
“Isit all set up like you want it, sunshine?” I ask as she stares at the side of the bar that we’re using for the gender reveal party.
We spent the better part of this morning blowing up the balloons and positioning them on the arch. Leah and Anna rearranged the tables and chairs, followed by placing white tablecloths on them. One table has finger food on it with drinks off to the side in a cooler.
The cake is in the fridge until everyone starts arriving. When we cut it, the cake will be blue inside revealing we’re having a son. Scarlett asked if this was silly to do since most expectant couples have already done this part by now. I assured her we aren’t everyone else, and even though things have postponed this party, our son deserves to be celebrated, and we deserve to celebrate him too.
I know she’s worried her parents won’t show, or that inevitably something else will happen to cast a shadow over us, but I won’t let it.
She finally nods. “I think so,” she answers.
“Good. All you need to do now is go get dressed. You can get ready in my office. I put your clothes and bag in there. I’ll be waiting for you.”
She smiles and kisses me before leaning her forehead against my chest. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you, sunshine.”
Her blue eyes seem to sparkle a bit before she heads to my office to get ready. Customers are on the other side, business as usual. This side is sectioned off for us. She was right when she said most of the patrons that come to the bar would want to behere to celebrate with us too. Greendale Valley is a small town, and we care about each other here.
When she emerges from my office, she’s stunning. She wears a white knee-length dress. It’s long sleeved and hugs her every curve, including her growing pregnant bump. Her dark hair falls around her shoulders in loose curls. My girlfriend is a knockout.
She runs her hands down the dress. “Is this okay?”
I can’t resist. I pull her to me and cover her mouth with mine not caring who sees or if I smudge her dark-pink lipstick. Once we come up for air, the most beautiful blush colors her cheeks as she touches her lips. “Zander, that was…”
“When this party starts to break up, you’re all mine,” I whisper as my hand grips her hip.
About thirty minutes later, it’s time for us to cut the cake and tell the world we’re having a son. We take our time cutting it, smiling at one another as the people who came to support us patiently wait to learn what we already know. Once the cake is on the plate, we both hold it up and everyone starts clapping.
My parents hug us, and so do Brittney and Hawk. Anna and Leah congratulate us next. Her parents didn’t come, but there’s still a buzz of happiness around us. I know we’ll deal with her disappointment later.
I wrap my arms around the woman I love and hold her close, and that’s when I sense someone watching. We’ve had eyes on us all night celebrating with us, but this is different…hostile. I glance around and my gaze lands on Vivian. She’s on the other side of the bar with the regular patrons and she lifts her chin.
I tense up because the last twenty-four hours have been hard on Scarlett. I won’t hide this from her, but I hate that telling her will raise her walls even higher. All I know is there won’t be any more secrets. Vivian won’t steal my life from me again with whatever weird game she’s trying to play.