Page 11 of The Build Up
“I understand.” Xal is at least a bit more forthcoming than my selectively guarded husband, but I know not to probe too much. It’s a delicate topic, even if Kordolians aren’t known for being so sensitive—they’re much more blunt and direct than we humans. “Well, I really hope it’s fixable.”
Suddenly serious, Xal leans forward, his golden gaze becoming hard and crystalline. “Only recently, I learned I have a sister. She’s about ten revolutions of age. I believe there’s a reasonsheexists.”
Sera places a reassuring hand on Xal’s shoulder.
I nod but don’t push it further. Not too long ago, Tarak, Ash, Enki, and the new Silent One, Dragek, captured Xal’s brother—Amun, the one they all thought was dead—and rescued his sister from an enemy ship.
Xal has been processing a lot.
There’s still so much to uncover.
“Dada,” Mia says cheerily, completely oblivious to the solemn mood. “Dada babagadoo.”
She puts her hands out, reaching for Xal.
“Oh, all right.” The former imperial prince melts beneath his daughter’s innocent gaze. “Come here.”
He picks her up.
Kids. Ha.
“What ‘bout me?” Now Ami wants to be a part of the action, too. She returns to me, moving surprisingly quickly.
Her toddling little walk is deceptive. She can befastsometimes, and as I grow bigger by the day, it’s getting harder and harder for me to keep up.
“All right, cuddle time.” I pick her up as best I can and let her perch on my lap. Ami puts her hand on my belly and starts rubbing it as if I’m a laughing Buddha.
I sigh, looking up at Sera. Rocking back and forth, she’s managed to lull Erik into a trance-like state. “Someone’s had a little too much warm milk.”
“That’ll do it. So, any luck on that special person we’ve been searching for?” I ask.
Xal narrows his eyes. “What mischief are you two plotting now?”
“Well, it’s about time we started looking for a qualified person to educate our kids. As much as I wish it were an option, it just won’t be practical to send them to a regular Federation school. Tarak would never allow it. You know how he is when it comes to matters of security, and rightly so.”
“So you’re recruiting? To set up a school?”
“It’s absolutely necessary,” Sera says. “They’re going to get bigger, Xal. They will have needs. They occupy an incredibly unique position in the Universe, and they’re going to have to learn both Kordolian and human ways. So Abbey and I decided to start small and search for a human teacher who’s suitably qualified to take on this task. Someone with solid education chops who also has a working understanding ofyourlanguage and history. Not an easy task, but I think I’ve narrowed it down. There’s one particular candidate I really like. She lives not too far from here, actually. She’s worked as a teacher in a number of Earth schools and has an impressive background in both human education theory and intergalactic studies. Impeccable referee reports. I believe she also speaks passable Kordolian. Do you know how hard it was to find a candidate who ticks all those boxes?”
I gasp. “No way. How do we get her onboard?”
“Well, that’s going to be the hard part, and I’ll leave it up to you to convince her, Abbey, because I think you’d be a lot more persuasive. My name is searchable, and with my background as a journalist, people like that naturally become suspicious.”
“I can certainly try, but what’s the catch?”
“Well, she’s just taken on a new role as a principal. In a recent interview, she said it was herdream job.”
Ami grabs a strand of my hair and starts twisting it around her fingers. It hurts a little, but I let her because it distracts her, and this conversation is important. “A generous salary might be helpful in winning her over, don’t you think?”
“Well, that’s the thing. She has generational wealth. She probably isn’t in it for the money.”
“If this is the person you believe is most qualified, we can give her a very compelling reason to work for you.” From behind, Tarak’s voice threads into the conversation. “The humans ingovernment know not to oppose me. Other humans can easily be made to understand this, too.”
He’s here already, stealing up on me like always.
“No!” Sera and I both shout at the same time, turning to glare at him.
“We donotthreaten or coerce the people we would like to come and work for us.Especiallywhen this is the person we want teaching our kids.” I look up. Suddenly, he’s looming beside me, his commanding presence drawing all the energy in the room. “Letmehandle this, Tarak.”