Page 22 of The Build Up
“You really think that’ll work?”
“I know these kids. We’re working on addressing the underlying issues, but they also need to see that there’s more to the Universe than the place they grew up in. Some of them would never even dare to dream that they might be able to travel into space.”
“You would trust us… to do the right thing? After all that’s been said about Kordolians?”
“The fact that you’re coming to me toaskme to teach your kids tells me all I need to know.”
Delia’s smart. She’s connected the dots so quickly. But with her background and accomplishments, what else did I expect? “Seems like you’re pretty good at reading people.”
She laughs. “What do you think I do for a living?”
“My husband’s men aren’t used to dealing with humans, let alone students with behavioral issues.”
“I wouldn’t dream of putting anyone in a position they weren’t trained for. But maybe… a short visit so the kids can interact and ask questions. Then perhaps an excursion here and there. To see things they wouldn’t usually see, visit places they wouldn’t normally ever have a chance to go.”
“To space? Would the parents allow it?”
“Some of these parents are at their wits’ end. Some aren’t even in the picture. Believe me, I’d make it happen.”
I glance at Tarak. “Get your guys to straighten out a bunch of misguided human kids?
He nods, and although his expression is mostly as hard as stone, there’s an ever so slightly mischievous quirk to one cornerof his mouth. “We can be as uncompromising or benevolent as you need.”
For a fraction of a second, Delia’s calm mask slips, and she stares at Tarak in fascination.
Hedoestend to have that effect on people.
“Well, now that you have the blessing of a former general of the Kordolian Imperial Military, I’m sure we can work something out,” I say mildly.
“Uh, yes.” The principal seems surprised. Perhaps she wasn’t expecting us to agree so easily. “That would be wonderful.”
“You mentioned a second condition.” Now that I can almost taste victory, I press on, eager to close the deal. If it’s anything like the first one, it’ll be easy to handle.
Delia recovers her composure. “I presume you hold a fair amount of influence over the Federation Government. There’s something I’ve always wanted to change… at a policy level.”
I nod encouragingly. Tarak’s just handed us the keys to power. She hasnoidea. “You’re right. We can directly advocate for a change of policy if we think it aligns with our interests.”
“Well, you’ll have to be the judge of that. It’s going to determine whether we can work together, after all.”
“So, what do you require?”
Delia takes a deep breath. “This idiotic concept of aMorality Quotient.I want it abolished. Something as subjective, fluid, and poorly definable as morality should not determine whether a child has a right to an education or not. Surely, there are better ways to ensure future generations are brought up right.”
I smile. It’s something I was planning on changing anyway, but I’ll let Delia have her credit. “What asensibleidea. That, we can do. There are complexities that will take time to navigate, but as far as children and teenagers are concerned, I completely agree. They shouldn’t be subject to this archaic rule at all.”
The principal lets out a deep sigh of relief. “You know, when I saw the two of you sitting out there, I didn’t quite know what to expect. But I think this might be a good collaboration. I’m pleasantly surprised—and excited.”
“Same here.” I reach out and shake Delia’s hand, relieved that my gut instinct seems to have turned out to be correct. She’s the sort of person I could catch up with over a cup of coffee.
She reminds me a little of Aunt Kenna, in a way.
“We’re starting a school,” I say breathlessly as I turn to Tarak, the little one inside me moving like crazy, almost kicking my lungs out of my chest. “Isn’t that amazing?”
“Indeed.” He unpeels himself from the wall and walks toward me, gracefully inhuman.
I’ll never grow tired of marveling at him.
“Thank you for your time today, Principal Bonsen. I’m looking forward to a rewarding relationship with you and your students. We’ll be in touch.”