Page 21 of No Mercy
“Before you leave to cover up that smoking body, what are we taking?”
The question came from Big John, and before I even had the chance to think about it, Rock responded. “Only personal stuff.” We exchanged looks. I’m sure he noticed my surprise. “I have everything you’ll need at the house.”
He was lucky that most of the furniture had come with the house, but there was no way I was letting him get away with his high-handedness. I pinned my gaze on his waiting brothers and said firmly, “The furniture stays except for Sam’s room. Everything in there goes with us.” I looked pointedly at Rock. “I still want him to have his things, Rock. I want him to be comfortable in your home. The small appliances in the kitchen belong to me, the books and movies on the bookcase in the corner, and the plants on the porch.” I turned to go to my bedroom before he could respond.
On the way past Sam’s room I peered inside and noticed him tossing his toys into the box. He was murmuring beneath his breath, and I wondered where his little mind had gone. He had a great imagination and was quick to turn almost any situation into some kind of game. Sometimes his lack of focus got him into trouble at school.
Since I was going to be working all day packing, I quickly slipped into a pair of old jean shorts and a tee, and then pulled my hair up into a messy bun. When I re-entered the living room I saw all three men packing the boxes with the items I’d mentioned. I grabbed a box and returned to my bedroom to pack my clothes. Everything in my closet would go with us because it was filled with mementos, old family pictures and personal records. Three boxes later I stood staring at the empty space. It was kind of sad that I could put seven years of my life into three boxes, but I’d always rented places that came furnished.
Sam had made some headway, too, I discovered as I walked into his room. He was nowhere to be seen. The men had already taken his chest of drawers and dismantled his bed. Most of Sam’s toys were packed, but I noticed he hadn’t touched his clothes. A smile spread across my face as I realized that Sam was the typical boy, worrying more about his toys than anything else. It didn’t take long to empty his closet, and then I was moving on to the pictures on the wall.
I was taking down the curtains when he came rushing into the room. “The moving truck is here, Mom!”
“It is?” His enthusiasm was contagious. “Cool!” I couldn’t help thinking that when we’d first moved to Cedar Key I’d told Sam that we wouldn’t be moving again. How quickly things had changed. “Make sure you don’t get in the way.”
“I won’t. Dad sent me to see if you need help.”
How nice of dad, I thought, a little bitter at how quickly Rock had gained influence over Sam. I supposed I could have fought him harder against the move if I’d really wanted to. But Sam needed this, he deserved to know his dad, and so far Rock appeared genuinely interested in having a relationship with him.
“I’m about done, honey. But you can take that small box out.” I grabbed a bigger one and followed him outside to the U-haul. BK was inside the truck, stacking the boxes as they were handed to him. I walked up to where Rock was handing off boxes to Big John. “What about my car?” Even though I’d assumed that I’d be driving it, I asked anyway. I’d packed an overnight bag for me and Sam for the car.
“BK will drive the truck. Big John will drive you and Sam in the car. Their bikes will go in the U-haul.” He never stopped picking up boxes and tossing them to Big John as he spoke.
That news surprised me. I was expecting Rock to drive with Sam and me as he’d mentioned earlier, but in a way I was glad that we wouldn’t be holed up inside my small car for two days. It might give me the time I needed to come to terms with the sudden change in my life. I handed him my box.
“Let me go fix us some breakfast before we leave.” I’d gotten so busy with packing that French toast and bacon had been forgotten. Rock didn’t say anything when I turned and headed back inside the house. Sam remained outside with the guys. I trusted Rock to keep an eye on him. That was one thing I was comfortable with, anyway.
He’d already proved himself to be a good dad to Sam.
Chapter 12
“Welcome back, brother.” Hawk slapped me on the back with enough force that it would have sent a weaker man stumbling. He was a giant of a man, and sometimes he didn’t know his own strength. Or maybe he did, and he just liked reminding others of it, not giving a fuck. “We waited for you guys to return for church.”
“Good to be back. Florida is hot as fuck.”
He laughed. “Since when can’t you handle the heat?”
I took my seat next to his. “Not that kind of heat, brother.” I knew that there were MCs based in Florida, but fuck if I knew why.
He nodded in understanding. “When are we going to meet Sam?”
“Soon. I want to give them a chance to get settled.” I grimaced, thinking about Allie and her demands. Separate bedrooms, no sex, Sam wasn’t allowed on the back of my bike, even with body armor. No one came into my home and told me what was what. I’d let her get away with that shit until she pushed too far. Fuck, who was I kidding? She’d already pushed too far, and I was acting like a pussy by letting it go on.
“You look pissed. I take it Allie’s not happy with the move back?”
“Allie’s busting my balls with all her fucking rules. She keeps that shit up and I’m going to have to put my foot down.”
I didn’t like the sound of Hawk’s perceptive laugh. He’d been through his own hell with Audra when she’d first come on the scene. “So, she’s not putting out?”
I didn’t bother answering him. The room was filling up with brothers for church. I was glad to be back, I fucking hated being on unfamiliar ground. This was my home and had been for most of my adult life. Sure, we went on rallies and shit like that, but I’d always had my brothers at my back, and our motto, ‘Live Together, Die Together’, was the code we lived by. Soon the table was packed and growing quiet. Brothers were looking down the table at us, giving Hawk the respect he’d earned.
“Brothers, let’s get this meeting started. Covacks needs our help eliminating someone in the Russian mob. Personally, I’m not sure we want to get involved with them.”
“We’re not pussies!” Painter’s outburst was met with nods of approval.
“Youarea pussy,” Bullet laughed.