Page 32 of What He Wants
Prez didn’t have to worry. I wasn’t about to fuck up, I had too much invested. I’d been a member a fucking long time, and I planned on dying a member. He knew how I felt, and I’d known him long enough to realize that he meant exactly what he said. I gave him a chin lift, my jaw clamped. In a way that kind of response said way more than fucking words.
“So we stay on lockdown until Shooter and Whistler are taken out of the equation?”
“We want to take a chance those fuckers don’t come after anyone close to us to use as leverage against us?” our VP, Rock, snarled.
Clay held his hands up in the air. “Hey, just askin’ brother. I don’t mind keeping my woman here where I can fuck her all day and night.”
More than one brother snorted.
“Christ, we have no idea how long that will be. What about our responsibilities outside the club?”
BK was referring to the businesses we owned. Most of us had reliable people running them, and we tried not to make it obvious that we owned anything outside of the bars and strip joints, but word eventually got out. We had our fingers in a lot of shit in Solon and the surrounding areas--Garages, tattoo shops, gun ranges. Hell, a couple of the old ladies owned a bakery in town.
I took a deep breath and exhaled it loudly, drawing everyone’s attention. “The fact that Shooter hasn’t involved his club in this tells me that he’s focused on me and nothing else.” I shrugged. “I make myself visible to him, that takes the heat off everyone else.”
“What if he loses his patience? Gets desperate?” Snake asked. For all his complaining about Robin being underfoot, he loved the shit out of her, and of all the members he had the most kids to worry about. “Not sure I want to give him a chance to snatch up one of my brats or Robin just to get to you, brother.”
I nodded in understanding.
“I have the same fucking worries,” Rock grumbled. “Allie and Sam have been through enough shit lately.” He had to also have been thinking about the unborn baby she was carrying. Hawk was in the same predicament with Audra.
“Let’s compromise.” All eyes went to our president, who wasn’t known for compromising when it came to club safety. “Lockdown is ended. Any brothers who want to keep your families here can, but they’ll need to stay in the rooms upstairs. The restaurant will be open for business.” Murmurs followed among the brothers as they digested his suggestion. Most of their expressions revealed that they were good with his comments. “We’ll take a vote, because I don’t want shit falling back on Big John if something happens outside the clubhouse.” Nods followed. “Those in agreement with my decision?”
All hands went up.
I wondered how many would send their families home.
“Church is over except for Big John, Jumper, and Clay.” Hawk waited until the last man had walked out, closing the door behind them, before putting eyes on me. “Knowing you, you already have a fucking plan. What is it?”
I grinned. “I want this shit over fast. I’m going back to Pleasure Me to shake Talbot down, see if he knows where Shooter and Whistler are holed up.”
“He did the first time,” Clay added.
“Thought you were going to make him come to you,” Hawk reminded me.
“Oh, he will, Prez. I’ll be sure to drop info to Talbot about where I’ll be heading. I figure if Shooter gets wind that I’m on my way to Last Hope for a fight, he’ll want to meet me there. That way whatever goes down won’t be anywhere near here.”
I saw satisfaction in his eyes. “Good plan. But be careful. He could ambush you anywhere along the way.” He was talking about the back roads that we normally took to New Hampshire.
I shook my head. “Not the route I plan to take. He won’t make a move on a public highway. I want to make sure the fucker has to wait and make his move at Last Hope.”
“Covacks might not like us bringing trouble to him.”
I swung my gaze to Clay. “Already thought of that, brother. That’s why you and Cooper will take the usual route there a day early. I don’t want him to know about you lying in wait. Shooter will expect me to have backup, so Jumper will travel with me.” I looked at Hawk. “Once Shooter and Whistler see me, they’ll make their move. Clay and Cooper will stay low and hopefully get the jump on them at the fights before any trouble breaks out.”
“I like it, even if I don’t like that you brothers will be too far away if you need our help.”
“Two against four,” Jumper said with a smirk.
Hawk’s brows shot up. “Don’t underestimate a man with revenge on his mind, brother. I don’t want to lose anyone on this run. I’m going to put in a call to Covacks to let him know what’s planned. Tell him to make sure his men don’t interfere.”
“Since I’m gonna be on the road, I want Jasmine here,” Clay insisted.
Hawk nodded. “If she wants to stay.” He looked at me then, a question in his eyes.
I shrugged. “I don’t have a woman.”
“That’s cold, brother,” Clay smirked.