Page 51 of What He Wants
“What the fuck, Sherman, it was self-defense,” Willy snarled at the younger man. “We all saw it. He had a gun to this pretty little gal’s head and was trying to force her out with him. They were here to rob me.”
“That right?” the policeman next to him asked. He looked beyond to where customers and waitresses were still quietly sitting. Every one of them nodded. Not one of them mentioned the Sentinels.
“So, what about this guy?” Sherman nodded towards the man at his feet, the one that Big John had killed with his hands.
“I didn’t have time to reach for my gun.”
“Let me see your gun,” Sherman demanded. Big John pulled it from behind his back and handed it over. “I’m sure you have a permit for this?”
“You know it.”
“Come on, Sherman, stop being an asshole. If Big John hadn’t been here, these two drugged-up fuckers would have robbed me and probably would have shot someone in the process. They were twitching and acting unhinged.”
The cop next to Willy shrugged at his partner. “Sounds cut and dry to me. I recognize the one by the door, he’s a known tweaker and gets into trouble all the time. Small time stuff, though, before today. He has a record. I bet the other one does, too.”
Apparently, Sherman was the one with the authority. He bent, checked the pockets of the dead man, and pulled out his wallet. “Run this and see what we’ve got. Call the coroner, too. Get Charlie in here to help you interview the witnesses.”
“Aw fuck, man,” Willy whined. It was clear that he knew something that I didn’t.
“Sorry, Willy, but you’ll have to close for a couple of days while we investigate.” Sherman’s gaze narrowed on Big John. “Just to make sure all is as it seems. When the shock wears off, sometimes witnesses remember little details that we’re not getting right now.”
Was he insinuating something? He clearly didn’t like Big John. “I’ll keep this until I’m sure it’s legal.”
Big John just stood like a pillar of stone with his massive arms crossed, looking intimidating as hell and clearly not giving a fuck. The law didn’t scare him in the least, where as I had a healthy respect for it. When Charlie came in I recognized her as the officer I’d spoken with the day before regarding my restraining order. She had directed me to the courthouse. We exchanged smiles as she came my way.
“Didn’t expect to see you again today,” she said in a friendly tone. She’d been very helpful the day before, and we’d struck up a fast friendship. Her gaze scanned the room, taking notice of the two bodies. “Don’t tell me one of them is the ex.” She was serious.
“No, no,” I said in a rushed voice. I could understand why she’d think that, considering what I’d told her about Paul. While I didn’t think Paul was in the area, she’d told me not to underestimate a deranged, possessive ex. She’d live through it and had the scars to prove it. Her ex had sliced her face open during an attack that had ended in his death. The scar didn’t take away from her beauty, though.
Big John’s eyes narrowed on me in response to Charlie’s statement, and I knew that he would question me about it later. I hadn’t told him that Paul had been in touch with me because I’d hoped that once the restraining order went into effect it would take care of his interference in my life. Besides, Big John was a hothead, and I knew what he did for his club. The last thing I wanted was for him to go to prison for attacking my ex.
Charlie’s gaze shot to Big John. “Hi, Big John, haven’t seen you in town for a while.”
“Charlie,” he acknowledged in a firm tone, still standing like a Viking warrior. “Haven’t seen you out at the club for a while.” She blushed and shrugged, but didn’t respond. Big John’s comment inferred that she used to frequent the club, which I found very interesting. “You want to take our statement?”
So they knew each other, and seemed to have an easy familiarity that made me instantly jealous. I’d never been jealous in my life, so the new sensation left me feeling confused. I curled my fingers into my palm to keep from pulling her away from him and staking my claim. Good grief, what was happening to me? I liked Charlie. I watched their exchange, the way they smiled easily at each other while she asked him for his statement and wrote it down as he spoke.
Even with the scar on her cheek she was still a beautiful woman. Tall, slender, curves in all the right places, her brown eyes reflecting confidence and intelligence. I suspected her blonde hair wasn’t natural, but with her olive coloring it looked good on her. She wore it in a conservative bun. A couple of times I caught her touching Big John on his arm, making me wonder if there’d ever been anything intimate between them. The thought of them naked and fucking caused me to close my eyes, but that only made the image clearer.
I opened my eyes straight into his, falling willingly into his heat. The dark promise in his pupils set my blood on fire, and my nipples puckered right there against my sweater. I wanted to cross my arms to hide his effect on me, but I knew it was too late when his gaze flickered there, and then he gave me a knowing smirk. I rolled my eyes, getting an even bigger grin.
“Do you have anything to add, Daisy?”
Charlie had to see what was going on between me and Big John, and if it bothered her at all she kept it hidden well. Maybe she’d been involved with someone else at the club. Maybe I was making a mountain out of a molehill. I gave her a genuine smile, shaking my head.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” she said. “You’re both free to leave.” She returned her gaze to Big John, lowering her voice. “I’ll make sure you get your weapon back. Sherman can be a dick sometimes.”
“Not worried about it, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart!I did not like that. Big John didn’t even call me sweetheart. As I stood there stewing, Charlie walked off and I slapped my hands on my hips, facing the impossible man head on. I could tell my arched brow and pursed lips didn’t affect him in the least. In fact, amusement filled his smoldering eyes, and his crooked grin had no business being so sexy. As I tried to scorch him with my laser eyes, he laughed out loud and grabbed my arm.
“Come on, babe, before I push you up against the counter and fuck you right here in front of everyone.”
Ohmygod!I glanced down at the front of his jeans, my jaw dropping at the huge erection he was sporting. What was so damned arousing? Had seeing Charlie made him horny? Suddenly I was more confused than ever, and fuming, letting my imagination run wild regarding him and Charlie, ready to rattle off irrational accusations. It didn’t even matter to me if they had merit or not. The friendly, almost intimate way that they’d acted toward each other was telling enough.
And he thought it was funny?
I let Big John pull me outside to his truck.