Page 67 of What He Wants
“Watch yourself. I could choose to take that as an insult.”
“You know I love your tits and ass, baby.”
“Oh, yeah? How much do you love them?”
“I could suck on your tits all day. And the next time we fuck it will be your ass I stick my dick into.”
“I think I just had a mini orgasm.”
“Don’t say shit like that when I can’t get my hands on you.”
“It’s okay. My hands are on me.”
There was a long pause.
“Are you fucking with me?”
“Kind of.”
“That’s two punishments I owe you now. Never did get you for teasing me yesterday.”
“No, you were too busy fucking the breath out of me.”
“Hell, wish I was fucking you now. But that’s not why I’m texting.”
“What’s going on?”
“I won’t be around until late tonight. Have a job for the club.”
“As soon as you close up for the day I want your ass back at the clubhouse.”
“Wow. Bossy much?”
“I mean it, baby. This is serious. If I’m worrying about you while I’m on the job I could get careless.”
I sobered at the thought.Careless meant mistakes, and I didn’t want Big John getting hurt.“Okay. I’ll get my ass to the clubhouse.”
“Good. You’ll be protected there until I get back.”
“Will you be back before morning?”
“If nothing goes wrong.”
“Be safe.”
“I will. Later.”
I breathed in deeply, wondering what he’d be doing for the club, knowing that as long as he was in my life this was how it would be. Me always wondering, praying that he returned unscathed. When he’d returned from his talk with Rock the afternoon before he’d been distracted and moody, refusing to tell me what it was about because it was club business. I already understood that club business between the brothers wasn’t shared with their women, or anyone else for that matter. I accepted that, and the reasons for it. But my wanting to smooth the worry wrinkles on his brow and help in some way had overruled any caution from pressing him further.
Realizing my concern over his quiet frame of mind he’d simply released a resigned breath, taken me into his arms and held me tight, and we’d curled up on the bed and just enjoyed being together. After a while we’d filled the silence with talk about one another, until the mood shifted and we’d grown aware of each other physically. Big John had fucked me into exhaustion, until it was all I could do to catch my breath, never mind asking questions. It had been enough.
“Was that the big Viking?” Jasmine joked, cleaning out one of the sinks.
I just smiled, and began to straighten up the products on the shelves. Customers seemed to have a habit of moving things around, or not placing them back where they’d got them.
“You can keep silent all you want but your face gives it away.”