Page 1 of Ruthless
Chapter 1
"Prove your fuckin' loyalty to me. Fuck her."
I'd known it was coming. I'd heard about the sick and twisted initiation ritual that Wildman required in order to get into his MC. But did the girl have to be so fucking young? He pushed her into the room, where she stumbled to a halt next to the bed. My eyes took her in, beginning with her long, ratty hair, which was hanging down into her face. She was a tiny thing--well, short anyway--but the shape of her was all woman, at least what I could see outlined by her dirty clothes. They were a little baggie, as if they weren't hers. With her head bent, it was hard to see her face and eyes.
I knew he wouldn't care, but I said it anyway. "I don't do minors."
I glared up at Wildman where he stood sneering in the doorway, schooling my expression not to reveal the revulsion that was swimming around like acid in my gut. He was a sick fuck. I'd known what I was getting into when I'd taken the undercover assignment for my MC, Dark Menace, but that didn't mean that I had to like it. If I wanted in all the way, I'd have to do what Wildman demanded.
"She's legal," he snapped back.
My gaze snapped to the girl. I was certain that she had to be underage, she didn't look sixteen. "Are you?" I demanded gruffly, causing her to jump. The slightest nod of her head was my answer. Christ, I didn't want to do this. "It might take me a little while to get it up again." I gave him a smirk, pulling back the covers to show him the club whore sleeping beneath the sheet next to me. In truth, she hadn't done much to stimulate my libido. I’d let her blow me, and then had promptly fallen asleep. But for appearance’s sake, I had to play the game.
Wildman's eyes narrowed on the naked woman in my bed. "I don't give a fuck how long it takes, just as long as you know what you have to do. This bitch comes out of this room a virgin and you're both dead, and don't think we're not gonna check. That means there better be some fucking blood on your sheets when it's over. There better be blood and jizz on her thighs, and blood on your dick. If I'm not satisfied with the results, I’ll let my men pull a train on her before we kill you both."
Jesus, the man was a sadistic freak, and so were the men who followed him. All of the things that I'd heard about him were true, and I was stuck here at his mercy. The girl hadn't moved or shown any reaction to Wildman's words, but I was sure that she had to be terrified. Still, I had a job to do, and part of it was to be just as dirty and malicious as he was.
"I didn't sign up for this shit," I began, indifferent to the pissed-off look that was spreading across Wildman's face. "You think I fucking care if your men pull a train on her?" I snarled. The girl's head moved, and I knew that she was looking at me through the curtain of her hair. "You bring a dirty little bitch in here and expect me to fuck her? I have standards." I knew that I was pushing him, but a man like Wildman would expect some push back. I'd learned early on that he liked putting his brothers in their place; he liked the power it gave him. I'd tested him more than once, still trying to figure out how far I could go before it was too far.
With him you never knew. He was unpredictable, and he never reacted to the same type of situation in the same way. That's what made him dangerous.
Just as I’d expected, Wildman threw back his head and roared with the mad kind of laughter one might hear in an asylum, but there was little humor in his eyes when he put them back on me. I felt the woman next to me stir, but I ignored her, knowing that only a fool would take their eyes off Wildman. I'd seen him attack a man when he'd least expected it.
"So give her a shower before you fuck her, I don't give a shit. But until you bloody that little virgin pussy, your place in the Red Devils stays on the table." He pulled the door shut on his way out.
Sick fuck. I couldn't wait for my club to end him. If Stone didn't do it, I would, and with fucking pleasure.
I felt a hand moving under the sheet, and the next thing I knew, the club whore that had been sleeping in the bed was groping my dick and balls. She was apparently oblivious to what had just occurred, still hung over. I could smell the stench of her sour breath. I pulled the covers back, took her hand, and threw it back at her, then left the bed. "Get the fuck out."
The girl that Wildman had brought in hadn't moved from her spot. I went to her and pushed back the curtain of flaxen hair that covered her face. She kept her eyes lowered as I took in her delicate features, noting the bruises, and the blood at the corner of her lip. Even through the abuse I could see how stunningly beautiful she was, all over, but it was her full, Angelina Jolie lips that caused my dick to take notice.
"Look at me," I demanded softly, keeping my hands on either side of her face where I held her hair. When she ignored me, I gave her a little shake. Finally, she raised her gaze to mine, and a pair of the brightest, bluest eyes I'd ever seen looked into mine. "How old are you?" There was no way that she was legal.
She swallowed before answering, "Twenty-one." Her voice was so small that I had a hard time hearing her.
There was no fucking way! I narrowed my eyes, searching for the truth. "And you're still a virgin?" I had a hard time believing that a woman who looked like her hadn't been touched. She nodded, and I gave her a little shake. "I want the words when I ask you a question."
"Y-yes!" she responded, her bottom lip trembling.
"Who the hell are you?" I scowled.
She wet her lips before replying softly, "Ginger Pruitt."
I snorted. I could care less about last names. "How did you come to be here?" I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing when I should have just fucked her and got on with the program. My job had been to infiltrate the Red Devils, which I'd done. Now I had to go through Wildman's sick demands to stay in the club, or weeks of shit-work would all be for nothing. Stone would not be happy if I screwed this up now. Hell, more than just Dark Menace wanted the Red Devils gone.
"Answer me!" I knew that I shouldn't care, but my gut told me that she wasn't a hang around or any other kind of MC groupie looking to take a walk on the wild side. The fact that she'd been abused led me to believe that she'd been taken against her will.
"I was walking home from work when two men in a van forced me to get inside. I-I fought them." My lips quirked at that, and then she surprised me by adding with sudden grit, "I'm going to fight you, too."
I laughed gruffly and turned toward the bed, only to see that the whore had fallen back to sleep. I stared down at her for a minute, taking in her snarly blonde hair and black roots, and the smear of makeup surrounding her eyes and lips. She wasn't as attractive this morning as she'd been the night before, after I'd downed a bottle of whiskey. In fact, she was drooling. Her ass was nicer than her tits--I never had liked the things women did to them when they added too much of that silicone shit.
I reached for my jeans and gave the snoring woman a hard slap on the ass. She jumped awake, bitching and scowling, her hand flying back to the abused area. "Get out!"